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Golf and Tennis Shop Happenings & More
                                                                                                                                          Page 19

                       Traveling Man              find strength and peace in the Lord, as well  each other better. We trudged on for three
                       By:    David     Edward as happiness in their hearts.                      more holes and started the process all over
                       Calkins                      While I am excited about starting my new  again. Vito and I got to know each other’s
                                                  life and adventure with my family, I know  background and career paths. Mine turned
                        Upon learning that  at  I am going to miss the family and friends  out to be somewhat of a surprise. “Cowboy
                       the end of this golf sea- I have made at Ocean Village and here in  Dave” is worth a long discussion with a lot
                       son  at Ocean  Village I  South Hutchinson Island. I have been lucky  of laughs and finally we plowed on and fin-
                       would be leaving  para- enough to have played at some of the best  ished all nine holes. I don’t know if I can
  dise; my boss and dear friend, Beth Cecil,  golf courses in Southern  Florida. This in- adequately describe what this round of golf
  asked if I would share a few words about  cludes all three golf courses at PGA Village,  was all about; two beautiful people opened
  my experience at Ocean Village and why I  two at Sandridge Dunes, Saint James, Ga- their hearts to me and exhibited the great-
  was leaving.                                    tor Trace, Indian River, Fairwinds and doz- est patience and kindness another individ-
    When I sat down and tried to put pen to  ens of others. However, the regality of the  ual could give. They showed the warmth of
  paper and share my experiences,  I found  course  and  their  “who’s who” lists  is not  companionship that I hope and pray will re-
  out how hard it  is to  intelligently  express  what chooses the course for me; what does,  sult in a long and wonderful friendship.
  emotions,  describe personalities  and share  rather, is where my friends play. As long as        As I prepare to leave Ocean Village, I do
  personal experiences. In trying to realize a  we’re dreaming, I would love to have played  so with the plan to return next year during
  way I could accomplish this; I suddenly re- a round of golf with the players that I think  the worst of winter (January through April)
  membered the insights a friend had shared  represent the best in golf-                          as a snowbird. However, should anything
  with me through his poetry. Jerry Siegel’s        1. Arnold Palmer: A heart of gold and the  change, I would like to expand upon three
  books of poetry “More from Less” and “Po- comeback kid.                                         lines  in Jerry Siegel’s poem  “You  Were
  etry for Walking Home” have inspired me,          2. Chi Chi Rodriguez: Pulled himself up  There”. These three lines express the feel-
  supported me, comforted me and provided  by his bootstraps to the top.                          ings that were shared between my wife Kay
  the tools I needed to come to grips with my       3. Tiger  Woods: The  champion  of  the  and me at her time of passing.
  life; to determine how to go on in a loving  champions! Filled with drive, desire, and            “You were there when
  and caring way.                                 dedication.                                       I needed you most.
    A very close and personal friend of mine,       *Of course, the only rule we would have is      I hope I see you tomorrow.”
  Mike Hall, was to have moved down here  that when I was ready to swing, they would                Both  of  us  saw,  felt  and  knew  our  final
  this last fall. He was going to work with me  all have to turn their heads and promise not  resting place would be under God’s beau-
  at the OV Golf Course and share an apart- to laugh out loud.                                    ty in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.
  ment. Our plans were all set and provisions       While I loved Jerry’s poem “My Favorite  This is where I will see you at our “tomor-
  made  for the arrival  when, unexpectedly,  Place at OV”- a reflection of my second fa- row” - where the valleys and ridges reflect
  I was notified by Mike’s daughter, Mindi,  vorite hole - to me standing at the tee on  the ups and downs of life; where the colors
  that Mike had suffered a major and fateful  hole number 5 - is where it’s at. Looking at  of  the  seasons  represent  the  flow  of  feel-
  heart  attack  just  a  week  before  he  was  to  the beautiful landscaping along the water’s  ings we shared. “You were there” through
  come to Florida. I was completely devastat- edge, all the way to the green on the right  the wonder of our life together and “you are
  ed, withdrew into a closed ball to hide from  side, the line of trees on the left, the depth of  there” in my heart now as I wait for our “to-
  my feelings; and turned to my silent partner,  the challenge to hit a straight shot that keeps  morrow”.
  Jack Daniels, for companionship.                the ball on the green can only be appreciated
    It was during this time of grieving that I  when you feel the sense of satisfaction that
  realized how much I missed my family and  runs through your veins when it plops down
  their support during times of need. Jerry’s  on the green successfully.
  poem, “A Friend’s Passing,” helped me ac-         On a serious note, Beth asked me what
  cept Mike’s death; I realized that it was time  was the best thing or most memorable mo-
  to get back to the living. His poem “You  ment while I was working at OV’s Golf &
  Were There” gave me the strength to move  Tennis Shop. After a short pause, my brain
  on.                                             screamed out a round of golf with Eleanor
    Through experiencing  this tragedy and  and Vito Caraccio. It occurred on a day that
  finding my way back to life through these  my COPD was really  bothering  me and I
  poems, I realized what a wonderful gift it  suggested that they go ahead and play with-
  is to have a family and friends who need  out me.  They both  immediately  refused,
  and love you. I am the proud father of four  saying they were in no hurry - that it was
  children, have nine grandchildren and four  no trouble to take all the time we needed.
  great-grandchildren; I have not really seen  They really didn’t know what they were in
  or  spent  time  with  most  of  them  since  I  for. They showed more patience than any-
  moved here four years ago.                      one could imagine as we slowly played the
    Now is the time for me to enjoy my family  first three holes - then before the next hole I
  and become a supporter/contributor to my  said, “Sorry, I need to stop and sit a minute”.        Participants  of the Kids Putting Tournament that pre-
  son in his endeavors as a Methodist minis- “No  problem.”  Eleanor  and  Vito  replied.          ceeded  the  Moonlight  Partners Putting  Event:  Oliver,
  ter. I look forward to working with the com- So, we sat down and let two other groups            Preston, Grayson, Graham,  Landon with Beth, Kid’s
  munity and members of the church to help  play through, all the while getting to know            Tournament Director Betty Anne Asaro in back row. Awe-
                                                                                                   some putting, kids! So much fun.
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