Page 14 - May Pages
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Long Range Planning Committee
The April meeting focused on a pro- ty. He emphasized the need for a fully the project. This proposed study requires voted to table the item, meaning it will
posal from EDC (Engineering Design integrated approach rather than piece- and will include significantly more in- revisit it at the next meeting.
& Construction, Inc.) to conduct a meal,citing several examples where formation than we have available. The next Long Range Planning
master drainage systems assessment other associations did not do so and Upon completion of the lively dis- Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May
and develop a model that would be paid the price for the decision. cussion, the committee agreed to for- 11 at 2 PM at Cayman Center. Owners
used as we address the many flooding Timing could be critical as both the ward the proposal to the Board for ac- are welcome to attend.
and drainage issues we have experi- Community Center and Reverse Os- tion at its’ April meeting. Jim Seymour, Chair
enced in recent years. mosis projects will need the approval At the Board Workshop, David ex-
David Baggett from EDC made a of South Florida Water Management plained his proposal and answered
presentation explaining his proposal prior to construction. David stated that questions as well The Board agreed
and answered questions. Several ques- surveying could start within 30 days to forward the proposal to the April
tions centered around the possibility and the total project would take 3-6 29 meeting for action. At the Board
of reducing the scope of the proposal months to complete. meeting, Jim Dobbin, POA President,
focusing on a few critical areas rather Other questions focused on the tech- announced that he and others met with
than encompassing the entire Village. nical aspects as well as the utilization of a representative from a different engi-
David stated that Ocean Village is a survey information currently available neering firm, MBV Engineering out of
complete entity, and the entire property from OV. David explained that the infor- Vero Beach earlier that day. MBV has
needs to be addressed. What is done in mation we have on hand is good infor- agreed to provide a quote for the work.
one area affects the rest of the proper- mation and will be utilized as a part of Based on this information, the Board
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