Page 10 - May Pages
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  Golf Lodges...News and Entertainment

    Welcome to the last print column of   Golf Lodges South and Golf Lodg-
  the season. For the yearly rhythm of the  es North held the first and only Social
  snowbird, this is the end of the winter  event of the season on Wednesday, April
  retreat season and the beginning of the  21,2021.  It was a bocce tournament
  home-base season that lasts until the  followed by a get together in the park
  cold north winds blow us back to par-  area  of  GLS.   We  had  16  participants
  adise. Sad to go, but exciting to see  in the bocce tournament and then a few
  friends and family left in the cold.  other owners joined us for the social.
    This past season we were all af-   First place team is pictured here: Nancy
  fected  by  the  profound  effects  of  the  Macro, Dan Wollschlager, Frank Isabel-
  COVID-19 pandemic. We missed many  la,  and John Smolenski. Second  place
  of our Canadian friends who could not  team:  Marty Tormey, Matt, Charlie Da-
  join us as the border remained closed.  ciek and Mike Bispels.
  Our popular monthly socials were can-  Happy Mother’s Day – Sunday,
  celed, and our Board meetings were  May 9
  conducted electronically using Zoom.  “The sweetest human lips can utter  1st place team (L-R): Dan Wollschlager, John Smolenski, Nancy Macro, and Frank Isabella.
    On a positive note, with vaccines be-  is the word mother, and the most beau-
  ing administered at a rate of 3 million  tiful calling in existence is: Oh mother.
  per day and about 40 percent of the U.S.  A word small, big, filled with hope and
  population having received a shot at  love and kindness and all the tenderness
  this writing, our country is on its way  and sweetness in the human heart” -
  to achieving “herd” immunity where we  Kahlil Gibran
  can return to normal, albeit a “new” nor-  Arrivederci!
  mal in some respects. It is with a sense   For our neighbors who have traversed
  of optimism that the Board has sched-  north, we will miss your friendship and
  uled next season’s Board meetings to  camaraderie for the next few months
  return to the third Tuesday of the month  but will look forward to seeing you next
  at 4 PM in Aruba west. The social com-  season. Have fun and enjoy your “other
  mittee has also scheduled the return of  life” in the northern climes which brief-
  the monthly socials to the first Sunday  ly takes you away from your Florida
  of the month at 5 PM in Aruba east. All  paradise. See you soon, and wherever
  dates are subject to change.         you may roam, be safe.
  And speaking of socials...                                  Bob Suckow   2nd place team (L-R): Mike Bispels, Charlie Daciek, Marty Tormey, and Matt DiMaggio.
  Tennis Committee hosted

  Valentine’s Day Tourney

    The Tennis Committee hosted a Hap-  play after a little over a half  hour.
  py Valentines Day mixed tournament on   Competition  was  tough,  but  fun  was
  February 27! It was a fundraiser for the  had by all. After four rounds of tennis,
  Treasure Coast Food Bank. It might have  the grand winner was Carol Kimbell - 2
  been a week late, thanks to the weather,  points ahead of runner-up, Paul Poole.
  but nothing better than stretching out the  Thanks to all of the players plus others,
  celebration.                        a contribution was made to the Treasure
    Unlike  the  first  scheduled  date,  the  Coast Food Bank.
  skies were clear and sunny!  The good   What’s next? Stay tuned for the Susan
  news  is  that  the  skies  stayed  that  way  G. Komen fundraiser on Saturday, March
  through  five    minutes  of  play.  The  bad  20.
  news is it then poured. And then the good                  Carol Kimbell
  news is, the players were able to resume                                  Carol Kimbell and Paul Poole accept their awards for the Valentine’s Day Tournament.
  G&TS Farewell Scramble Scoreboard - April 12 - 9 Holes

  1st place: Patti Noerr, Carla Bennett, Ernie
  Filby, Marty Tormey - 24
  2nd place: Bill Brown, Terri Rogers, John
  Mullen, Eileen Mullen - 25
  3rd place: Betty Reyda, Ted Heisler, Nancy
  Heisler, Frank Karpinski - 26*
  Golf Trivia Champions
  Joe Helmetag, Helen Dervishian, Jim Van
  Hagen, Karla Van Hagen - 9 2/3 out of 12

  Closest to the Pin Contest
  Hole #2: Kathy Vannini - 9’ ½“
  Hole #7: Kathy Collins - 12’ 7”
  Hole #8: Jim Van Hagen - 9’ 2”       2021 Farewell Champions (L-R) Ernie Filby, Patti Noerr, Carla Ben-
  *position determined via a scorecard playoff  nett and Marty Tormey.                      Eileen Mullen (left) and Terri Rogers say “Aloha”!
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