Page 13 - May Pages
P. 13
Beachtree II Happenings Page 13
Where did everyone go?? No traffic, as they need to be opened to paint cor-
not waiting in line at restaurants, park- rectly. An email blast will be sent to
ing spots close to the shops, but now all with further instructions as paint-
our neighbors have gone to their other ing time approaches.
homes for the cooler summer weather Discussions continue on Internet/
and finally visiting with family. It has Cable TV and another meeting is
been a busy season in Ocean Village scheduled. Tri-Bros has trimmed the
with the exception of our Canadian trees and removed several trees. Jim
friends still in country quarantine. remarked that our website is woeful-
Hopefully life will return to near nor- ly out of date and will work with the
mal in the days to come. webmaster to update our portion of
The Goodwins. Gramkes, Crow- the POA website. We will then post
leys, and Tanseys have departed, soon meeting minutes and motions by the
to be joined by Nancy Flannery and BOD, along with insurance, flood and
Margaret O’Leary along with many elevation information for owners to
others who will join the exodus from access. We discussed our rental agree-
OV. We welcomed the Axelsons and ment and will modify portions before
Terry and Cheri Smith who took a placing it on the website along with
respite from work to enjoy a week BT II rules and regulations, such as no
in Paradise. Sadly we say farewell to hanging towels over the railings, no
Barbara and Michael Eustace who re- excess noise after 10 PM, etc. The pet
cently sold their unit. We wish them permission form also will be reviewed
well and thank them for being good for owner, guest and renter.
neighbors in BT II. Resurfacing or milling of the roads
At the Annual Meeting in April we will be a future project and the remov-
welcomed the new BOD to BT II, Jim al of the buttonwood trees that are
Seymour, president, Dick Crowley, creating road and sidewalk upheaval.
vice president, Lynn Pinto, secretary, More information will follow along
Joan Smith, treasurer and Mark Gram- with bids for the project. We will ad-
ke. It is wonderful to have a full Board dress the necessary repairs to the ele-
of volunteers to keep our cluster via- vator to ensure its safe operation.
ble. We thank Kay Snodgrass as our This will be the last print copy of
secretary for her decades of service to The Seaword until fall, but during the
our cluster. Thanks, Kay, and enjoy summer months look for an electronic
your free time. Seaword which will keep all OV res-
Joan Smith gave a financial update idents informed of summer activities
stating we have $244K in reserves and and projects.
assets of $136K. Our monthly income It has been a pleasure writing arti-
was $28,807 and expenses of $28,110 cles for The Seaword. Please send me
resulting in a negative $1,303 balance any news items you wish to be recog-
for March. It was motioned that the nized and passed on to our residents.
$23,594 spent on repairs be reclassi- Have a great summer while Joe con-
fied to reserves which will result in tinues to improve from the injuries
a positive balance going forward to incurred from a fall. We normally de-
May. We have verified our letter of part for Pennsylvania early June, but
credit to FPUA for $5,000. Jim Sey- we are taking it one day at a time until
mour stated that railing repairs will be he can safely negotiate uneven terrain.
completed before painting the build- So don’t be surprised if you see us
ings in late May/early June. Speaking here in June.
of painting, please make sure that Ad- Happy all the holiday from today till
ministration Office has a key to your September.
doors, both main door and cubby door, Joan M. Smith
Tennis “Swing Into Spring” Event
On the afternoon of Saturday, April the clubhouse, they were greeted by a
10, the tennis committee invited the reggae band and island music. Flow-
community to participate in “Swing Into ers were available for hair and were
Spring”. This was the last hurrah at the adorned on both women and men. A
end of a somewhat COVID-19 modified welcome rum punch was enjoyed and
season. The event quickly filled with 40 this was soon followed by some very
players and a waiting list. It was encour- loose and creative island dancing and a
aging to see some new faces to the OV congo line. Snacks, crudites, dips and
tennis scene join in. barbecue sliders were enjoyed as well.
All 10 tennis courts were filled with The words that were heard over and
an enthusiastic group spanning all skill over again were “we really needed to
levels. The tennis play involved short let loose and dance and be with friends
15-minute timed sets, after which part- and have fun, it’s been too long!”
ners would split and rotate to a new court. The tennis committee thanks every-
The friendly competition was fun for all. one for making this event a huge suc-
Tennis play was followed by a so- cess, as well as making the season the
cial “happy hour” at which the orga- best it could be given safety concerns
nizers provided a few surprises. As and restrictions. See you all next season
players and guests arrived to the grassy for a variety of fun tennis events and
area between the real estate office and socials.