Page 9 - May Pages
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Golf and Tennis Shop Happenings                                                                                           Page 9

                                 More Golf and Tennis Shop news on pages 10, 17, 19 and 20

   Champions and Charities:                       a check for $12,266 at the Workshop on April 20,   On behalf of the OV Golf & Tennis Shop crew,
   Another season is in the books. I’m finding this  see photo on page 1.)   A “guess the number of jelly  thank  you  for  your  generous  gifts,  your  humbling
  a bit difficult to write simply because it is hard to  beans” contest and an open ended participation, rath-  words, and your unwavering support of this office. I
  say goodbye. I pen this final column as one of deep  er than a fixed shotgun start at Harold Cecil Putting  would be remiss if I didn’t also express my gratitude
  reflection and gratitude. How lucky are each of us  Tournament, boast turnout which helped raise $840  to the POA Board and to FSR Management for your
  to spend all or parts of the last 15 months here at  for Suncoast Mental Health. Together as a communi-  support and the opportunity to serve the communi-
  Ocean Village? Safety, respect, fun, friendship, ame-  ty and as individuals we showcased what it means to               ty  for  my  15th  season
  nities,  memories,  championing  charities,  crowning  be part of a larger family rooted in service and coop-            as manager of the GTS.
  champions, hope and, of course, great weather pretty  eration. I want to thank each of the donors for your               You  all  have  made  this
  much sums it up.                                generous contributions to these philanthropic causes                     an unforgettable season,
   First of all, the Golf and Tennis Shop staff greatly  and all the volunteers for your time and talents.                 one  that  I  will  always
  appreciate everyone for masking up and adhering to   On  Friday, April  16,  the  Golf  and  Tennis  Shop                cherish with great pride.
  the CDC COVID-19 protocols throughout the winter/  closed  for  the  season.  Prior  to  the  official  close,             Stay safe,
  spring. I know it wasn’t always easy but we appreci-  we wrapped up this year with our Annual Farewell                             Beth E. Cecil
  ate you keeping us safe as well as your fellow golfers  Golf  Scramble  paired  with  a  team  trivia  contest.               OV Golf & Tennis
  and tennis players. The vaccines have literally given  Forty-four players competed in a 9 hole Stepaside                         Shop Manager
  us “a shot in the arm” that soon we can return to nor-  Scramble  format  with  a  separate  fun  golf-themed
  malcy. We love and miss our 19th hole gatherings!   group trivia division. Victory towels and bragging
   This season has been one of the best ever. Thanks  rights were awarded to both - the trivia winners and
  to everyone for participating in daily play (15,300 +  of  course  the  golf  champions,  captained  by  Patty
  rounds), weekly leagues, and all the special events.  Noerr. For the complete list of results, please see the
  There was a lot of exciting shots, fantastic memories,  mini scoreboards in this issue. After the event, each
  and many champions crowned. One of the silver lin-  participant received a commemorative OV Farewell
  ings of the pandemic was it forced us to think outside  Scramble sleeve of golf balls with a 2021-22 special
  the box.  The door-to-door community-wide appeal  events calendar attached.
  on  behalf  of Treasure  Coast  Hospice  coupled  with   Sadly, we bid aloha to Golf & Tennis Shop staffer Dave
  adding  a  second  Moonlight  Golf  Event  (complete  Calkins and thanked him for his four years of dedicated
  with  Herr-Asaro  roving  beverage  cart)  enabled  us  work on behalf of OV Golf and Tennis. We wish Dave
  to raise almost 4 1/2 times more than our traditional  well as he embarks on a new chapter in his life. (Please
  golf Pro/AM tournament (we proudly presented TCH  read Traveling Man in Dave’s own words, page 19.)

  Superintendent’s Report

                    The  golf  course  held  up  well
                  during  the  season.  And,  as  the
                  owners  leave  and  the  growing
                  season is upon us, we are looking
                  forward  to  a  greens  re-grassing                                                                             CLUB
                  project. Some small adjustments
  will be made to maintenance programs to facilitate
  this. The golf course will close on May 3 for ap-                                                      April 18 – Patty Noerr – Hole #7
  proximately 12 weeks. During that time, work to                                                               Congratulations!
  greens and other areas of the golf course will be                                                For the first time ever there were no hole in
  diligently performed. The fruits of our labor will                                               one jackpot winners. There is a sizable jack-
  hopefully be realized upon the owners’ return.                                                   pot to look forward to next year. Keep work-
    Special thanks to David Barth for his seven years                                              ing  on  your  game  in  the  off-season.  Who
  of service on the golf course at Ocean Village. He                                               knows, you might be the big winner.
  is retiring in June. He has been responsible for so
  many  behind-the-scenes  contributions,  especially                                               Favors from the Farewell
  with the equipment. As always, my deepest grat-
  itude to Holly Paul for all that she does. Her care                                                        Golf Scramble
  and attention on the golf course is a big part of what
  makes Ocean Village golf special. Many thanks and
  warmest wishes!!
                                     Sean Gillen
          Ocean Village Golf Course Superintendent  Golf Course Maintenance staffer Holly Paul.

                          OV Golf Schedule 2021-22

                  Dec. 1 – Season Opens           Mar. 8 – Spring String Scramble and Breakfast
                  Dec. 15 – Holiday Putting               (9 holes)
                  Tournament (18 holes)           Mar. 17 – St. Patrick’s Day Scramble
  Jan. 5 – Welcome Back Scramble (9 & 18 holes)           (9 & 18 holes)
  Jan. 17 – Glo Golf Scramble (9 holes)           Mar. 26 – HEC Putting Championship (18 holes)
  Feb. 5 – Couples Championship Scramble          April 11 – Farewell Scramble (TBD)
          (18 holes)                              April 24 – Season Closes
  Feb. 14 – Valentine’s Day (9 & 18 holes)
  Feb. 21 – Hospice Pro/AM (18 Holes)             Contact: 772-467-0102
  Feb. 25 – Ladies Friendship Day (9 holes)
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