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Boomer says, “My daddy is out of com- Both Allan and Roberta grew up in New hired me on the spot...ALASKA, HE developer for many causes...raising lots of
Any Frame
mission. Look forward to his next article York City...however, each of them always SAYS!!! Roberta was THRILLED! They money!
in June, the first website issue.” had a “sense of adventure” which they got to KTVA a week later in Anchorage, New Transitions Lenses
In the meantime...back in the 80’s the
have maintained throughout their lives. meet with the general manager who tells Cohen’s found Ocean Village. About
Not to be combined with any other offer.
With Lens Purchase
(Reprinted from Jan. 2017. Daddy is re- Allan wound up with a degree in En- them WHERE he is sending them... “We three years ago, Ray (Kmart) Benvenuti
Exp. 4/30/20
Exp. 4/30/20
ally proud of this article.) gineering and a Masters in Finance. Ro- need to cover the Vuntut Indians near the was fishing and decided to DO WHAT
Contact Exam Only $70
General Exam Only $60
Boomer and I have been putting ou berta took a different turn... she studied Yukon Region...we have a cabin for you at HE DOES...Hit the Tiki for a beer... “the
Dilation, Cataract Check & Glaucoma Test Incl.
Monovision, Toric & Gas Perm - Extra
Soft Bifocal Contacts
heads together in an effort to bring our Archeology and Cultures. After getting Stevens Village located on the Yukon Riv- fish were not biting.” Allan and Roberta
readers a fish story they will remember married, Allan joined an engineering er.” Roberta is THRILLED...Allan was were walking by...and Ray asked them to
and laugh about for at least five minutes! firm that was working on submarines... beside himself... Roberta says, “Honey, watch his pole... When Ray came back...
• Tinting • Ultraviolet Filter
I also in advance want to thank those who however, after presenting his design for think of the fishing...and your ambition to he could not believe what he saw...In just
• Scratch Resistant Coating
donated the money for Boomer’s travel a YELLOW ONE... he was quickly re- be a mountain man!” 15 minutes... FOUR NICE POMPANO in
• Adjustment • Case
Includes exam and trial pair of contacts.
expenses to “get this story”...He just got moved from the company’s “Top Ten” list Well...they get there...and just like Rob- the ice bucket...and Roberta taking the 5th
With Any Lens Purchase • Exp. 4/30/20
Exp. 4/30/20
back from the Yukon... 20 lbs. lighter! of promising executives. It was about that ert Redford in the movie...there is Allan one off the hook! Ray has since looked
Eye Exams: Mon., Thurs. &
Mon., Tues., Fri. 9-5:30 • Thurs. 9-7
It all began on a sub-zero February day in time he decided to move on! Kind of try- trying to catch his first fish “with his upon Allan as “The Master!” “He reminds
Sat. by Appointment
Sat. 9-3 • Closed Wed. & Sun.
1967, in a “Jewish Business Ethics Class” ing to “find himself,” Allan noticed a new hands” and he totally gets soaked! Prac- me of the Karate Kid”...and I am just the
104 N. 2nd St., Historic Downtown Fort Pierce, Florida
starting at 7:45 AM at Hofstra University movie that caught his attention...Jeremiah tically starving...but, each day Allan gets Grasshopper!” Or, Is it it the other way
in New York City. Roll was being called... Johnson, starring Robert Redford. That his fishing skills honed, and eventually... around?
and one by one, the responses were here, movie CHANGED their lives! Redford he turns into a FISHING MACHINE... Remember...just catch em!
here... here!... then some strange looking was a “Tin Horn” who wound up being a not even taking the time to get the fish David Alexander
guy with orange tennis shoes yells out “Mountain Man” that lived off the land.. off his hook...Roberta at his side, DOING
“PRESENT” that literally breaks the ice He hunted and FISHED for his survival THAT! Before you know it, Allan Cohen
and wakes the entire class up...including and became a LEGEND amongst the In- is catching enough fish to feed the entire
a young and beautiful blonde...Roberta dians. small Indian gathering of Stevens Village! Colonnades Plaza
1114 Colonnades Drive
Fisher, great granddaughter of the famous Allan wanted to do something differ- In time, Allan became a this Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. & Sat.
“South Beach”
(772) 466-8831
Detroit industrialist and philanthropist ent and exciting! Characters like Pee Wee day the Indians maintain a shrine that even Late Tues. & Thurs. By Appt.
Fort Pierce, FL 34949
Max Fisher. Roberta, seated just behind Herman and Walter Cronkite got him in- includes a Jewish Menorah carved out of
this guy who reminded her of “Horshack” terested in television...So off he went to walrus tusk, built along the Yukon River
in the TV series, Welcome Back Cotter, interview with CBS in New York...The about 100 miles northwest of Fairbanks.
was intrigued! After class she approached CBS executive asked him... What do you After two LONG years...CBS finally
him...and said “Present” as a question! He know about the television business? Allan decided to “call in” their famous Jew-
said “Hi, I am Allan... “Present and will- answers, “Nothing but I am willing”... ish Legend of the Yukon...and made him
ing!” The “willing” part got her!...Now 50 Well, that “willing” part did it! “Allan,” General Manager of KMOV in St. Louis
years later, the two of them spend winters he said, “I have the perfect job for you where he and Roberta made their home
The experienced Stylists at Ellie’s House of Hair will put their
here in OV and their summers in Northern in ALASKA!” Our station there, KTVA, for 34 years! Roberta...being educated in
skills to work to create a look you will surely Love. We look
Michigan while still maintaining a home Channel 11 is looking for a news report- many cultures, along with her experiences
forward to seeing you soon!
in St. Louis. er. Allan goes home...says, “Honey...CBS with the Vuntuts, has become a seasoned
$ 20 OFF $ 30 OFF
Any Frame New Transitions Lenses John Jacobs
With Lens Purchase Not to be combined with any other offer.
Exp. 5/31/21 Exp. 5/31/21
General Exam Only $60 Contact Exam Only $70 Construction Inc.
Dilation, Cataract Check & Glaucoma Test Incl. Monovision, Toric & Gas Perm - Extra
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With Any Lens Purchase •Exp. 5/31/21 Exp. 5/31/21
Eye Exams: Mon., Thurs. & Mon., Tues., Fri. 9-5:30 • Thurs. 9-7 772-468-0008
Sat. by Appointment Sat. 9-3 • Closed Wed. & Sun.
104 N. 2nd St., Historic Downtown Fort Pierce, Florida John Jacobs (owner)
Kelly Walker (office manager)
1114 Colonnades Drive Located in the Colonnades Plaza
Suite 1114 (Across from Pelican Yacht Club) Email:
“South Beach”
Fort Pierce, FL 34949
State Licensed and Insured: