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                                     MY STUFF

                 them your order, they will give you a time  order to you in your vehicle. General Manager’s Corner
  LINGUISTICS 2020                    can forget the HIT                                                    Norm Spector
 Vol. 22 • Issue 4            April 2020
  The Seaword is a community newspaper.
                 The Inn is open for takeout
  Kay Snodgrass, Editor: (772) 489-9896
        pandemic has
                  Here is some good news!  The Inn  employees will come to you.
                 is now open for takeout service. The
                          You can also order from your vehicle
        changed life at OV
                 hours will be from 4-8 PM.
      Advertising: (772) 489-0300  at the front door and wait in the park-  PARADE?                     General Manager
                  Call  The Inn at 772-577-4344. Give  ing lot.  The employees will bring your
        Effective Monday, April 6, 2020, some
                 for pick-up. If you have a cell phone, they
                          As  Tony is transitioning  with the
                 will send you a text when it is ready.
        of the staff will be working from home.
 Turn to page 10, 11, 16 Fax: (772) 468-1037  new experience, please be patient and   As a verb, there
                  When your order is ready, drive to The  let’s all work together.
        Here is what the changes will be:
   Word meanings have held a fas-
                 Inn, go to the front entrance, remaining
        Administration  staff  –  We  will  all  be
                 in your vehicle, to pay and pick up. The
                                      are many more uses
           E-mail us at
        to answer the phones and emails.  Because
  Beachtree I  working from home.  We will still be able   THE INN TO-GO The season has once again blown by and   I have unfortunately been asked lately   Once again, here are the numbers to call
        of the low volume of calls to LWR, these
  cination for many of us. Years ago,                        Priscilla Oehl                                 for any issues you may have concerning
        calls will be forwarded to the Administra-
        tion  line. We will be answering all calls
                     AVAILABLE, EXCLUDING DRAFT BEER  it seems each one picks up speed and goes  why we have the flag at half-staff so of-
                   Call 772-577-4344 to place your order
        from  home.   One of the  administration
        staff will also stop by the office daily to
  when volunteering as an ESL (En-    of even greater  di-                                    the  various  departments  here  at  Ocean
        take in mail, packages and payments.
      Printed by Stuart Web, Inc.
        LWR staff – For now, they will be on-
                              faster every year! This has been a good  ten. Whenever we get notice from our lo-
        site.  They will be doing the online fitness
                            (BLK) FISH TACOS• $14
        classes in the morning. They will also be
                  CHICKEN TENDERS (HONEY
                  MUSTARD) • $10
                           (BLK) CHICKEN TACOS• $11
  Turn to page 8 working on the pool furniture, getting it
  glish as a Second Language) tutor,   versity. In a casual,                      Condos-H06 * Homeowners-H03
        cleaned, repaired and ready for when the
                  FRIED SHRIMP (COCKTAIL) • $11
                           (BLK) SHRIMP TACOS• $14
                              season for the residents and owners and  cal flag manufacturer, who receives alerts  Village.
      Stay Informed
        pools can be reopened.
                  THAI CHILI HOG WINGS (BLUE
                           SEASONED BEEF TACOS• $13
                  CHEESE) • $15
        Building  and  Grounds  Maintenance  –
        They  will  be  on a  skeleton crew.  There
                           (SERVED WITH FRENCH FRIES)
                  SPICY CALAMARI (W/ MARINARA)
  I realized just how many multiple   unstructured situation, things  can                 * Renters-H04 * Flood
        will be one from each department onsite
                  • $14
                            (BLK)SHRIMP compared to last year, we have come a  from the Federal government, they inform  • Administration/Maintenance:
        Monday-Friday,  on  a  rotating  schedule.
                  FRIED FISH BITES (TARTER) • $12
        They will quarantine at the maintenance
                            PLAIN CHEESE • $8
        area working on projects and taking care
                            (BLK) CHICKEN
   While You’re Away!
  meanings for simple words we take   become “hit or miss,” one can “hit
                           QUESO/PEPPERS/ONIONS • $11
        of work orders. If there is an emergency,
        they will be available to handle it.
                                                                     us when to put the flag at half-staff and    772-489-0300
                              long way!
                          QUESO/PEPPERS/ONIONS • $12
                  1/2 LB BURGER (L.TO.P) • $12
                                      the wall” when stymied or “hit it
        Golf Maintenance – The staff will still
                           (SERVED WITH FRENCH FRIES)
  Turn to page 8 be maintaining the golf course as usual on
                                                                                         Automobile * Motorcycle
                     • $12
  for granted and   FISH SANDWICH (FRIED/BLKNED) • $13  CHOPPED SIRLOIN STEAK W/ The weather has been outstanding and  also let us know when it is time to place  • Recreation: 772-429-7415
        a daily basis, 7 days a week.
        If you have  books to  return, hold  on to what difficulty they
        Security will be onsite as usual, 24/7.
  Golf Lodges
        One last thing, the library is CLOSED.
                           (6) FRIED JUMBO SHRIMP • $20
                     ONIONS • $11
                    1/2 LB B.L.T. • $14
        them for now. Please do not leave them
                           FISH AND CHIPS • $17
  create for those trying to learn En-  big” when lucky at something like
        outside the library door.
        It’s Easy With
                  (ALL SERVED WITH FRIES OR SLAW)
        Thank  you all  for your cooperation
                                                                     the flag back up to full staff.  Lately it has  • Security: 772-467-2901
                              although we are currently about 5-6” be-
                           MUSHROOMS + ONIONS • $18
        during these  uncertain  times.  Although
                          BEEF TIPS SAUTEED IN  BEEF DEMI
        we will be working from home, it will be
                           GLAZE W/ MASH AND VEG $18
  glish. The same is probably true for   gambling.                                              Life * Umbrella
                    SHRIMP SCAMPI • $19
        business as usual.  Please practice social
        The Seaword!
                          SMOTHERED CHICKEN (SAUTEED
        distancing  of  at  least  6  feet.   Your  staff
                   PLAIN MARINARA PASTA• $12
                                                                                                             The Inn, the Tiki Bar, and the Inn Zone
                              hind in rainfall for the year, we are coming  been happening more than we have ever
                           ONIONS, MUSHROOMS, SWISS
                                        To describe an extreme reaction
        here at Ocean Village  hope you all stay
                          CHEESE) W/ MASH AND VEG• $18
                    CHICKEN PARM • $18
  Turn to page 9 safe and healthy!
  other languages as well.    into the rainy season this month; the rainy  seen before; hopefully this trend will stop  are currently closed until further notice.
                                                                              * Medicare Supplements * Annuities
      Fill out this form,
   As  an example of our linguistic   we  might say  that something “hit                                       As  always,  please  contact  my  office
      include $1.50 for
                              season will hopefully catch us up to where  and we will be able to get back to a normal
  complexity, the  word “hit”  comes   me like a ton of bricks.”  In suc-                                   at 772-489-0300 or email me at norman.
                              we should be this time of year in regard  state of affairs.
       each issue, and
  to mind.  As a self-imposed exer-   cumbing  to the perils of alcohol
                              to rainfall.
                                                                        The weather has already started to hit if the staff or I
       leave with the
  cise, I began to list the many ways   one might  “hit the bottle”  and in
                                Although the season has come very  up into the 90 degree level which means  can assist you in any way.
                                      describing the actions of an un-
  in which we use that word.  close to ending, please be aware that we  that on May 1, the pools will all have their   Please wear your masks when inside our
   As  a noun, it is of obvious  use   wanted would-be paramour we                                          venues and continue to practice social dis-
                              still have several of our residents enjoying  heaters turned off; it will no longer be nec-
  in the game of baseball and is, of   might exclaim, “He HIT on me!”
                              the early morning cool weather and are  essary to heat the pools and spend money  tancing.
                                      Poker players often ask to be “hit”
  course, what makes  the     on the roads throughout the development.  needlessly on propane.
   Name: _______________game  ex-

  citing and the fans cheer. The word   when they want another card.   The Board of Directors and staff wish   Views and conclusions expressed herein are those of the
                              Please be careful and follow our speed
  is also big in theaters, especially on    It’s no wonder that language ac-  Including Coverage on Single Family Home Rentals
                                                                                                            authors and not necessarily those of the OVPOA and its
                                                                     you a safe and healthy summer and look
                              limit as bikers and walkers as well as jog-
   Address:  _________
  Broadway. We love going to see a    quisition is a challenge.                                             Board members. The OVPOA Board will review advertising
                              gers are everywhere and we need to make  forward to seeing all of you back at Ocean
                                        Pretty soon many of us will be
                                                                                                            copy for propriety, in its sole discretion, but publication
  big “hit” after seeing its smash rave   “hitting the road.” Safe travels and  VERY  Competitive Insurance Rates
                              sure we are keeping them safe!
                                                                                                            herein does not imply endorsement of any product, service
                                                                     Village in the Fall!
  review. And who of us “of an age”   a happy summer to all!                  Representing numerous homeowners companies
                                                                                                            or opinion advertised.
   City:  _____________
   State, Zip:   ________
  AWOL                        Pot pourri of trivia                          insure FL vehicles with Canadian driver’s licenses.
                                                                           and a national Automobile carrier with capacities to
      Circle Months of
                              1) “I’m not bad. I’m just drawn that way” was a line spoken by Kathleen Turner
       Seaword to be
    Another month and another arti-   do social  distancing. That means
                                in what memorable film?
  cle for The Seaword.  The time is  don’t go in numbers over 10 peo-
                              2) What momentus event took place at Kill Devil Hill on Dec. 17, 1903?
    Oct., Nov., Dec., Jan.,
  moving on from month to month.  ple. If you feel sick at all or have
  The whole world is in       3) What is the name of the specialty store for left handed people, owned by
   Feb., March, April, May a very bad  any  health conditions, stay  home.
                                Ned Flanders on the TV show, The Simpsons?
  time with the virus that is happen-  Keep in contact with members by
                                      phone or computer and if you need
  ing to all of us.           4) What was the original name for the comic strip Peanuts?
      POA Board of
    Before the stopping of activities  anything, call me or another mem-
                              5) What was the name of bull terrier in the 1980s Bud Lite commercials?
      Directors 2021
  in the  Village, we had a nice St.  ber and we will help you out. All of
                              6) Arachibutyrophobia is the irrational fear of what’s sticking to the roof of one’s
        Jim Dobbin
  Pat’s birthday by our member Su-    us want to get through these hard
  san and her team.  It was corned  times.  We need to listen and do
                              7) Dwight Eisenhower, Charles De Gaulle, John Kennedy and Carol Heiss all
  beef, all the fixings, and homemade  what is asked of us. Some people
       Eileen Emery
  Irish Soda Bread              received the same honor, albeit in different months of 1960 from the city of
        Vice Presidentthat  was made  keep saying nothing bad will hap-
                                                                                                Kenneth Bassin
                                New York. What was that honor?
  by member  Joan Martinelli.  The  pen to me but it is said “it can hap-
      Betsy Murray
                              8) What is Lady Bird Johnson’s real first name?
  whole dinner was very wonderful.  pen to anyone,” so we must keep                 45 years insurance experience
  Thank you, Susan.           9) Who was the original host of Jeopardy in the first edition which ran from
                                                                              Owner and Resident in Ocean Village
                                      ourselves safe.
        Joan Smith
    Until further notice our club       Until better times come we ask
                                1964 to 1975?

  meetings and activities are on hold.  everyone to do what is asked of us
      Directors at Large:
                              Produced by Mike Tormey, a 1982 inductee into the Trivia Hall of Fame, located in Boulder, CO
  We ask not only our club but the  to be safe. God bless you all and                            Bassin
         Darryl Bey
  whole Village to listen to what the  if you need anything, please call a
          Ross Gillis
                              April answers:  1. 4:10  2. Ah Chew  3. Bedloe’s  4. Cybil Sheperd & Bruce Willis  5. Norma Zimmer  6. Stephen
  P.O.A. is asking us to do in these  member.
        Jim Seymour
                              Foster  7. Snakes  8. Mitsubishi  9. Little Orphan Annie
  times.  For the safety of everyone,                    Joan Martinelli      Insurance Agency
                                                                          Riverview Hair                                      Tues-Fri 9-5 • Sat 9-2
                                                                                                                                  Established 1984
                                                                                  2132 N. US 1 North Bridge Plaza         We Sponsor Wigs for Kids
                                                                             Fort Pierce, FL 34946 • 772.489.HAIR (4247)
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                                                                                  Offering Services for the Entire Family
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