Page 3 - May Pages
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MY STUFF                                                                                               Page 3

  MEMORABILIA MADNESS                 have athletic awards
                                      and “special achieve-
   It is always a joy each year to return   ments.”
  to Ocean Village for many reasons,    Some old photo-      Priscilla Oehl
  not the least of which is our cozy   graphs  of  specific
  apartment which is always waiting   events such as gradu-
  for us uncluttered and inviting. This   ations and weddings seemed appro-
  year the tidy and relatively sparse   priate to save, but not the dozens and
  furnishings were a welcome sight    dozens of infant shots.  “All babies
  compared to our home in the North   look alike” some might say, and un-
  which has more year-round decor     less they have been duly labeled and
  and is heavily furnished.           identified they are of no interest.
   Before we left for Florida and with    My old love letters which hold
  lots of time on my hands during the   wonderful memories of old beaus
  COVID-19 restrictions, I succumbed   had some appeal as do early letters
  to the dreaded task of weeding out   written by my children from summer
  “stuff” from office cupboards and oth-  camp or early college years.  Today
  er parts of the house where “things”   I understand that very few letters
  have been stored for many years. I   are actually handwritten. Everybody
  had read recently about what  some   texts or emails. How sad to  be re-
  of us have thought of as treasures are   ceiving only electronic messages.  In
  not exactly what our children are ea-  re-reading letters from my children
  ger to have. So it came as no real sur-  I have relived an era of joy as well
  prise when no one seemed interested   as concern. I loved holding the enve-
  in their baby books describing in de-  lopes and seeing their rushed hand-  HOMEOWNERS-HO3 • CONDOS-HO6 • RENTERS-HO4
  tail early developmental milestones,   writing. Nostalgic for sure.             FLOOD • AUTOMOBILE • MOTORCYCLE
  i.e. when they first rolled over or sat   In frustration, after having thrown
  up or drank from a cup. Walking and   out enormous piles of photos and     LIFE • UMBRELLA • MEDICARE SUPPLEMENTS
  talking dates had been duly recorded   crayoned  pre-school pictures and                           ANNUITIES
  as well.  As delighted as I was per-  birthday cards, I found that there is
  sonally to remember these important   still a huge assortment of cherished
  events, I found to my dismay that no   keepsakes that once again are stuffed
  one else seemed to have any interest.  back into a closet filled with things     CUSTOMER SERVICE THAT
   My own reaction was quite differ-  I simply can’t discard. Believe it or
  ent when I discovered my mother     not, I am grateful for those old pieces                 YOU’LL LOVE...
  had saved envelopes stuffed with all   of my life that remain, clutter or not.
  MY OWN reports cards, even from     Perhaps it is an age thing.          INSURANCE THAT YOU CAN TRUST
  kindergarten! What fun it was for me   But now that I am about to leave
  to learn that I had “played well with   this uncluttered Ocean Village para-
  others”, shared my toys and followed   dise I realize that I will have to face
  directions. Was anyone else interest-  an enormous weeding out task upon    Here at Bassin Insurance Agency, we strive to
  ed in the progress I made through el-  returning North. Maybe I can find a
  ementary school? Sadly, no, so I had   memorabilia consultant!                  make your experience unlike any other.
  no choice but to pitch the well-anno-  Meanwhile, may those of you  re-
  tated school records. My children’s   turning north travel safely and with   Our agents provide meaningful, personable, and
  report cards also had no particular   happy memories. Here’s to a wonder-
  interest, although they were eager to   ful summer!                                  informative advice to assist you
  AWOL                                                                                  in all of your insurance needs.

   Another month and another article    We are all looking forward to the open-                (772) 261-2880
  from AWOL. We still meet every Mon-  ing of the restaurant. The bar is to open
  day at 4 PM at Aruba. After our meeting,  early May. Keep an eye out for it.
  there are always members going out to   AWOL is open to all single windowed        BASSININSURANCE.COM
  eat so if you want to join us, just ask who  and divorced women, so if you want to
  and where.                          join us, just come Monday at 4 PM to
   Monday  we  have  shuffleboard  at  10  Aruba. Remember, no one has to be
  AM, Tuesday is Bingo at 1 PM, Wednes-  alone. Come and join AWOL.
  day is Bocce at 10 AM and games at 6   Now it’s time to end this article and
  PM at Aruba. Thursday we meet at the  say keep happy, healthy and, most of all,
  handicap ramp to the beach at 4 PM.  moving.
  Bring a chair and BYOB and something                     Joan Martinelli
  to share.

  Look for The Seaword June, July, Aug. & Sept. summer editions online
  on our website. Please call Administration if you cannot download.
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