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Vol. 23 • Issue 5
                                                                                                                                   May 2021
  Vol. 22 • Issue 4                                                                                                               April 2020
                                  Hospice fundraising check presentation
        Golf Lodges              Coronavirus                             The Inn is open for takeout
                                 pandemic has                             is now open for takeout service. The   You can also order from your vehicle
                                                                            Here is some good news!  The Inn  employees will come to you.
                                 changed life at OV                       hours will be from 4-8 PM.          at the front door and wait in the park-
                                                                            Call  The Inn at 772-577-4344. Give  ing lot.  The employees will bring your
                                                                          them your order, they will give you a time  order to you in your vehicle.
                                  Effective Monday, April 6, 2020, some   for pick-up. If you have a cell phone, they   As  Tony is transitioning  with the
                                 of the staff will be working from home.   will send you a text when it is ready.  new experience, please be patient and
                                 Here is what the changes will be:          When your order is ready, drive to The  let’s all work together.
  Turn to page 10, 11, 16        working from home.  We will still be able   Inn, go to the front entrance, remaining
                                  Administration  staff  –  We  will  all  be
         Turn to page 10
                                                                          in your vehicle, to pay and pick up. The
       Beachtree I
   Tennis Committee              to answer the phones and emails.  Because
                                 of the low volume of calls to LWR, these
                                 calls will be forwarded to the Administra-              THE INN TO-GO
                                 tion  line. We will be answering all calls      Call 772-577-4344 to place your order
                                  (L-R): Bev Olson, CEO Treasure Coast Hospice Elaine Petropoulos, Jackie Kendrick, Jim Dobbin, Beth Cecil, Susie Herr, Tom Jaeger, and
                                 from  home.   One of the  administration
                                 Betty Anne Asaro proudly presented Treasure Coast Hospice a check for $12,266 at the Workshop on April 20. Complete details on page 9.
                                 staff will also stop by the office daily to   WE WILL HAVE DAILY SPECIALS! ALL ALCOHOL TO-GO DRINKS
                                 Beach and Dune Committee Reports
                                 take in mail, packages and payments.                      AVAILABLE, EXCLUDING DRAFT BEER
                                  LWR staff – For now, they will be on-
                                 site.  They will be doing the online fitness     APPETIZERES                         (BLK) FISH TACOS• $14
                                                                               CHICKEN TENDERS (HONEY
                                 classes in the morning. They will also be   The Spring, 2021 sand replenishment  Inlet. From there, the sand and water is
                                                                               MUSTARD) • $10
                                    Here  are  two  different events  in  our
                                                                                                                    (BLK) CHICKEN TACOS• $11
           Turn to page 8
                                  area  of  which  the  Beach  and  Dune  at the Jetty is an amazing feat of engi-
         Turn to page 10         working on the pool furniture, getting it     FRIED SHRIMP (COCKTAIL) • $11  pumped through a series of pipes onto
                                 cleaned, repaired and ready for when the
                                                                                                                   (BLK) SHRIMP TACOS• $14
                                  Committee  would  like  to  make  sure  neering to watch!  The pictures included  the shoreline immediately south of the
                                                                               THAI CHILI HOG WINGS (BLUE
                                  you’re aware.
    Beachtree I Buzz             pools can be reopened.                here show the dredge hopper ships used  Jetty. Terrestrial vehicles move and lev-
                                                                                                                   SEASONED BEEF TACOS• $13
                                  Building  and  Grounds  Maintenance  –
                                                                               CHEESE) • $15
                                                                                                                  (SERVED WITH FRENCH FRIES)
                                 They  will  be  on a  skeleton crew.  There  to  suck  up  the  sand  from  the  Capron  el  out  the  sand,  which  will  eventually
                                                                               SPICY CALAMARI (W/ MARINARA)
                                  Fort Pierce Jetty Sand Replenish-
                                                                       Shoal  offshore  borrow  site.  After  the  flow  with  winds,  storms,  and  currents
                                 will be one from each department onsite  sand is captured, it is brought into the
                                                                               • $14
                                  ment Project
                                 Monday-Friday,  on  a  rotating  schedule.    FRIED FISH BITES (TARTER) • $12      Turn to Beach and Dune page 5
                                 They will quarantine at the maintenance                                               PLAIN CHEESE • $8
                                 area working on projects and taking care                                               (BLK) CHICKEN
                                 of work orders. If there is an emergency,           SANDWICHES                   QUESO/PEPPERS/ONIONS • $11
                                 they will be available to handle it.                                            QUESO/PEPPERS/ONIONS • $12
                                                                               1/2 LB BURGER (L.TO.P) • $12
                                  Golf Maintenance – The staff will still     CHICKEN SANDWICH (GRILL/BLKNED)     (SERVED WITH FRENCH FRIES)
                                 be maintaining the golf course as usual on
           Turn to page 8
                                                                                           • $12
          Turn to page 11        a daily basis, 7 days a week.                FISH SANDWICH (FRIED/BLKNED) • $13
                                  Security will be onsite as usual, 24/7.
        Golf Lodges
       Garden Spot                One last thing, the library is CLOSED.       GATOR DOG SERVED WITH SAUTEED      (6) FRIED JUMBO SHRIMP • $20
                                 If you have  books to  return, hold  on to             ONIONS • $11
                                 them for now. Please do not leave them               1/2 LB B.L.T. • $14            FISH AND CHIPS • $17
                                 outside the library door.                    (ALL SERVED WITH FRIES OR SLAW)     CHOPPED SIRLOIN STEAK W/
                                  Thank  you all  for your cooperation                                            MUSHROOMS + ONIONS • $18
                                 during these  uncertain  times.  Although             PASTAS                   BEEF TIPS SAUTEED IN  BEEF DEMI
                                 we will be working from home, it will be           SHRIMP SCAMPI • $19           GLAZE W/ MASH AND VEG $18
                                 business as usual.  Please practice social
                                 distancing  of  at  least  6  feet.   Your  staff   PLAIN MARINARA PASTA• $12   SMOTHERED CHICKEN (SAUTEED
                                                                                                                  ONIONS, MUSHROOMS, SWISS
                                 here at Ocean Village  hope you all stay            CHICKEN PARM • $18          CHEESE) W/ MASH AND VEG• $18
           Turn to page 9 safe and healthy!
          Turn to page 11
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