Page 3 - June Seaword Pages 2021
P. 3

MY STUFF                               Beach and Dune                                                  Page 3

  RE-ENTRY                            was easy to succumb

                                                                                  to inertia  after our   Committee Reports
                                      relatively  stress-free
   The  following column  is  a  re-
  print from 2008 when the author     months in Ocean Vil-   Priscilla Oehl  We’ve come to the part of the year  crank radio with cell phone charging
  had returned from an Ocean Village    And so, procrasti-  when hurricane watches become  capacity.
                                                                                                                 • Consider including a weather ra-
  winter.  Not much has changed!!     nation, that “thief of time”,  once   common in weather forecasts. While   dio.
                                                                           it’s never fun to think about our beau-
   “All good things must come to                                           tiful Ocean Village being threatened   • A multi-purpose tool, wrench, or
  an end.”  Not too profound a quote   again reared its ugly head. We ac-  by a hurricane, it is important that we  pliers - to turn off utilities.
                                      knowledged passively all the tasks
  from somebody, but obviously true.     to be accomplished and wondered   are prepared in the event of a storm   • Dust masks - to help filter contam-
  It was blissful to enjoy endless    where to begin.  There were those    crisis. Here is information to help in  inated air.
  summer in the winter.  And actually   signs  of  a  leaking  roof  and  some   advance  - with the hope that we nev-  vPlastic  sheeting, blue  tarps, 100’
  until I made myself look at a calen-  peeling paint to be dealt with. And   er have to resort to it!         rope or cord, duct tape - to shelter in
                                                                                                               place if there is damage to your con-
  dar, my mind-set was that when we   of course RECONNECTING, not          Hurricane Readiness Checklist       do.
  returned North we would be head-    only with friends not seen since De-   What do you need to do to prepare   • Fire extinguisher.
  ing into fall.  Some time in March   cember, but with the wireless router   for a hurricane at Ocean Village?   • Paper local maps and road atlas.
  I thought that I really should go to   and the high-speed internet. Many
  Steinmart and peruse the fashions   hours on the phone took care of the   Stockpile These Supplies           Helpful Hints: Before the Hurri-
                                                                             • Cash: no electricity  means no  cane Hits
  for fall, until I realized that warm   friends’ connection, while the wire-  credit cards or ATM.              • Bring in all lanai furniture.
  weather lay ahead for another five   less router, my husband’s domain,     • A full tank of gas (as gas pumps   • Close and lock your windows,
  or six months.                      has taken much longer, giving us     rely on electricity) or your electric ve-  doors, and hurricane shutters.
   And so, here we are, back in                                            hicle fully charged.                  • Keep  a  “Go  Bag”  of  key  items
  Pennsylvania where Spring seems     some time to do things other than      • Bottled water: 2 bottles/ 1 gallon  (clothes, meds, docs, digital backups).
                                      check and send e-mail.
  to  come  later  each  year. After  the   Still by the middle of the day,   per person for 2 weeks at a minimum.   • Take photos of all contents of your
                                                                             • Gatorade or other high electrolyte  condo units, including what is in clos-
  arduous packing of the car with     realizing that none of the “musts”   beverages.                          ets and freezer.
  many of the unnecessary items we    have been started, yet alone com-      • Food: Canned goods (beans, oth-   • Freeze any food or drinking wa-
  brought down in December, the 18    pleted,  we look at each other and   er proteins, vegetables), dried fruits,  ter that can be frozen if you expect a
  hour  drive  up  seemed  relatively   ask, “Where did the time go?”,     peanut butter, jelly, bread, apples, or-  power outage.
  easy. One stop along the way before   surely a rhetorical question.  We   anges, grapes, bananas, pears, avoca-  • Turn the refrigerator and freezer
  we arrived to 38 degrees and rain   obviously are still on Florida time   does.                              to the coldest setting and keep them
  mixed with light snow. So much for   with Florida priorities. For me, with   • Manual food can opener.       closed  as much as possible  so food
                                                                                                               will last longer if power goes out.
                                                                             • A cooler.
  returning to warm weather.  How-    no imminent visitors, I pile the un-   • A bathtub filled with water so you   • Store important family documents
  ever, there  WERE forsythia, and    packed clothing on the guest room    can flush the toilet, or empty jugs to  such as copies of insurance policies,
  daffodils  ........  encouraging  signs   bed. Soon, I rationalize, it will be   fill water from the ocean.  utility  bills  and  other  identification,
  that Spring was on the way.         summer, so why put everything          • 14 days of medicine (prescription  and bank account  records electron-
   One would think that the dismal                                         and over-the-counter), just to be sure.  ically  and  in  a  waterproof,  portable
                                                                             • Personal hygiene  and sanitation  container.
  first  days  which  kept  us  indoors   away just now?                   items.                                • Prepare a list of emergency phone
                                        Besides, I need to go through all
  might have encouraged prompt un-    the unworn winter clothing which       • Hand sanitizer and soap.        numbers and email contact informa-
  packing. Alas,  that  is  the  difficult   clutters up the closets and drawers.   vMoist towelettes,  garbage  bags,  tion for local services.
  part of returning. Faced with a myr-  Somewhere I have misplaced the     and plastic ties.                     • Establish one out-of-area contact
  iad of things to be done, including   book about simplifying one’s life.   • Bug spray and sunscreen, as it is  for your family. This reduces phone
  re-reading the Christmas cards left   Maybe I can find the time to read it.     often hot and humid after the hurri-  calls, streamlines check-ins, and eas-
  in a basket on the kitchen counter, it                                   cane departs the area.              es fears of your family members.
                                                                                                                 •  If  evacuating,  traffic  delays  are
                                                                             • A well-stocked first aid kit.
                                                                             • Sturdy, closed-toed shoes: debris  common, so it is a good idea to hide
                                                                                                               cash money in different places in your
                                                                           contains broken glass and nails.
 Communications Committee                                                    • Rain gear.                      car.  There are frequently  crimes of
                                                                                                               opportunity when stuck in traffic.
                                                                             A • full set of dry clothes.
                                                                             • A whistle - in case you need to sig-
                                                                                                                 • A Red Cross shelter is your last
    Ocean  Villagers, the Communi-    number inside and take it to the Adm-  nal for help.                     choice, unless you are registered for a
  cations Committee needs your help.  istration Building. Let us know what   • A solar lantern.                special needs shelter, says Eileen Em-
  We are writing the History of Ocean  the objects represent and we will give   • Flashlights and plenty of batteries.  ery of the Ocean Village POA.
  Village and require photos, artifacts,  you credit in the article if we can use   • Solar, battery-powered,  or hand           Carolyn Fortuna
  and stories which will visually en-  them. After copying the information
  hance our articles.  The  Village will  or artifact, we will return it to you.   Summer Tennis Program
  be 50 years old in 2023, so we would  A special thank you to Lois Patton,
  like to complete the project by then.  Peter Harrison,  Betty  Messier, and   Hi all!! It’s the summer season and   An email will be sent each preced-
  If you have something we may bor-   Carol Hulse who have already found   that  means  it’s time  for SUMMER  ing week requesting sign-ups for the
  row, please put it - the photos, stories,  gems for our project: The History of   TENNIS!!!                  following Tuesday and Thursday.
                                                                             Parker  and  Charyl  will  be  coordi-
                                                                                                                 Have a wonderful summer!
  the artifacts - in an envelope. Be sure  Ocean Village.                  nating  the  Summer  Tennis  Program
  to put your name, address and phone                        Pat Sorvino   this year.  And thank you to Lynda    Charyl:
                                                                           Willer  for all  her  hard  work coordi-  410 343-1100
  Look for The Seaword June, July, Aug. & Sept. summer editions online     nating it through the past years.     Parker:
  on our website. Please call Administration if you cannot download.         The  season will  begin  on  June  8   405 627-7821
                                                                           and run every Tuesday and Thursday
                                                                           through August 26.
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