Page 4 - June Seaword Pages 2021
P. 4
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The Lowdown
Gee, I have never written an article for June THEY HAVE a HOSPITAL!!! These THREE in the country! Of course, what many call our
before. Nobody has...This is uncharted terri- important services are critical to a THRIVING “Ocean Village Taxi Service”...Our Fort Pierce
tory...So, if you are reading this...beep your COMMUNITY...and greatly affects the overall Fire and FANTASTIC!!!
horn...or turn your headlights on...or do some- value of our property. Through the summer, I plan on talking about
thing to let me know you are reading this “on Here at Ocean Village, we are part of a commu- the adventures of Pam, Boomer and I in the UP
line” SOMEWHERE!!! nity that certainly has ALL THREE...our school of Northern Michigan. Have a great summer...
We are one of the last of the snowbirds leav- system is “top notch,” both public and private, and I think we are ALL looking forward to FI-
ing Ocean Village...We pull out on May 25. our airport, West Palm is within an hour...and NALLY having FUN AGAIN next
Surprisingly, our May weather has been much we have a couple more within two hours...All travels and God bLess!
cooler than I expected....but a “Dome of heat” comercial that provide service to anywhere you David Alexander
the news says, is moving into the Southeast may want to go. By the way, our local airport, it looks like we are leaving at the St Lucie County Airport, is hoping to bring in
right time! commercial service...starting THIS YEAR...It;s
I did want to talk about some of our “bonus big enough for the big planes to land...Air Force
features” we have in our backyard that some One has landed here...only seven miles away!
of you may not know about. Many years ago, Now, for the third and last important factor...
I had a friend who held an executive position affecting the value of our community...OUR
at one of the largest land “appraisal firms” in HOSPITAL system. Folks, after an operation
the United States. She once told me...Often do- and spending almost a week at Lawnwood...let
ing work for the IRS to appraise property “land me say...We are BLESSED having this hospital
scams,” she would first look for three important in our backyard! Simply, the care and service at
things in an area she did not know...First, DO Lawnwood Medical Center here in Fort Pierce
THEY HAVE a SChOOL SYSTEM Second, is tops! In fact, for anything HEART RELAT-
DO THEY HAVE an AIRPORT...and last, DO ED...Lawnwood is ranked in the TOP FIVE
Marilyn Lawson Miller Remembrance
STUART - Mari- Cole; John F. Miller and his wife across all walks of life, which Club in Stuart.
lyn Lawson Miller Judy and her loving daughter, included students in the class- A memorial service for both
passed peaceful- Marilyn Lawson Miller. She is room, bridge, Mom was a Life Marilyn and Leonard will be
ly at home in the also survived by her loving sis- Master, and anyone who was held on Sat., Nov. 6, 2021 at
comforting pres- ter Edna Thornton and her many looking to learn something from 10 AM at St. Joseph’s Catholic
ence of her loving loving nieces, nephews and dear her wise and pragmatic ways. Church in Stuart. Interment will
children Saturday, friends and her ever attentive Ever positive, ever present and follow at the Fernhill Memorial
Feb. 20, 2021 on a beautiful Flor- 4-legged companion Buddy. ever supportive - an anchor to Military Gardens where there
ida day overlooking the Port St. Mom lived a meaningful, hap- all that had the honor and priv- will be a Navy Honor Service.
Lucie River in Stuart, FL. She is py, and full life with uncondi- ilege to know her. In lieu of flowers, we kindly re-
reunited in Heaven with her lov- tional love for her family and There are so many wonder- quest that you continue Mom
ing husband, Leonard Theodore friends. Her marriage of 62 un- ful memories from our family and Dad’s legacy by helping
Miller, who passed on Jan., 28, forgettable years to her devoted gatherings in the Hamptons, make this world a better place
2017; her mother, Bertha Ger- husband Leonard was filled with New York City, Ridgewood, and and “Pay it forward.”
trude Lawson, her father, John endless appreciation, under- Long Beach Island. Incredible Thank you, Mom and Dad, for
Frances Lawson, her sisters, Kay standing and love for one anoth- family trips ranging from Dis- your unwavering support, guid-
Sullivan, Elizabeth Lawson, er. It was true love at first sight ney World, a US Virgin Islands ance and love. We are eternally
Joan Kelly, and Dorothy Daly, when they met by chance at a sailing adventure, an African grateful and blessed to have had
and many other friends. She was school mixer as teenagers that Safari in Tanzania and Costa you both as our parents and role
the youngest of six children, all blossomed into an unbreakable Rica Eco Tour to name a few. models. Rest in peace and know
girls, known as the Lawson sis- life-long bond. An incredible We’ll never forget when our that your amazing example will
ters. The Lawson sisters grew mother and exceptional human family moved to Singapore for never be forgotten.
up in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn and being, she always had the time 4 years in the late 70s when Dad All our love always,
were known as competitive to help people navigate life. A was assigned overseas with Otis Your loving children - Lee,
swimmers who gained recogni- woman well ahead of the times Elevator. It was an experience John and Lynn.
tion in Brooklyn and beyond. with a passion for real estate that forever changed and broad- An online guestbook is avail-
Marilyn is survived by her projects, including her beloved ened out lives for the better. The able by visiting www.treasure-
three children, Leonard T. Miller Bed & Breakfast, the Victoria most recent moves following re-
Jr. and his wife Dana and three Guest House in Long Beach Is- tirement were to Ocean Village,
grandchildren, Alex, Jess and land, NJ. Born to be an educator Fort Pierce and Harborage Yacht