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MY STUFF                                                                                               Page 3

  HOUSE GUESTS MAKE                   ful in the decorating
                                        Some guests are help-
  MY DAY                              arena, selecting colors

                                                                                  of paint, new accent pil-  Priscilla Oehl
                                      lows or whatever.  That
   This is the time of year when people   is fun for me as well as
  write glowingly about their vacations   for them to be able to leave their mark,
  at the seashore. There are those who   so to speak, on my home. Several have
  make an annual trip to their favorite   done painting jobs themselves.
  spot by the ocean, savoring the familiar   But I have found over the years that
  scenery, beach critters, ice cream par-  what I really like are those visitors who
  lors, miniature golf courses and restau-  are perhaps antsy at the beach or aller-
  rants.  Their lists of special places and   gic to too much sun who seek and en-
  activities may vary,  but most all agree   joy large PROJECTS. Not jigsaw- puz-
  that going to the beach is a highlight   zle-type projects or merely  carrying
  for families of all ages, and something   out rubbish, but honest-to-goodness
  to be looked forward to each year.  home-improvement -type jobs.
   As a homeowner at the shore, I heart-  Not long ago a dear friend recog-
  ily agree that there is no place I would   nized  the  need  for  a  new,  functional
  rather be.  In fact, our little town’s sig-  dishwasher. He not only participated in
  nature logo this past season stated, “It   selecting the right one, but transported
  doesn’t get any better than this.”  And   it to my house from the store and man-
  most of the time it really doesn’t.    aged to install it, all in a matter of a few
   Notwithstanding   the  occasional  hours. He enlisted help from another
  rainy weekend, and sometimes a streak   visitor,  a willing handy-man type, and
  of brutally hot and humid weather, life   together they seemed to bond and forge   HOMEOWNERS-HO3 • CONDOS-HO6 • RENTERS-HO4
  near the ocean can be idyllic.      a new friendship based on the not-so-
   For me, the location is only enhanced   simple task they had embarked on.       FLOOD • AUTOMOBILE • MOTORCYCLE
  by the friends and family members     Following their success in the kitch-
  who are able to share my place with   en, they turned to the outside shower   LIFE • UMBRELLA • MEDICARE SUPPLEMENTS
  me.  I look forward each year to “pen-  which  needed  new  flooring.  Again
  ciling them in” as  I tell them when we   within a short period of time, measure-                   ANNUITIES
  all begin to make vacation plans. Some   ments were taken, boards were cut and
  visitors are annual ones, others are new   VOILA, a new plank floor was com-
  friends who have not visited before.  pleted and installed.                      CUSTOMER SERVICE THAT
   One  of  my  great  pleasures  in  the   As summer winds down, I gaze
  spring is to peruse the calendar for   around at possibilities for next year.  I
  June, July and August and try to fig-  have always yearned for shutters, the                 YOU’LL LOVE...
  ure  out  who might  be  coming when,   chimney needs to be painted, and a
  with whom, and for how long. Some   few screen doors need to be repaired.   INSURANCE THAT YOU CAN TRUST
  folks overlap with others, which is fun   I think the plumbing is in good shape,
  for everyone in spite of the sometimes   although one of the toilets seems to be
  frantic grocery shopping and meal   running slow
  planning.                             While I truly love and admire those   Here at Bassin Insurance Agency, we strive to
   With very few exceptions, my visi-  guests who bake and bring goodies,
  tors are people I truly love to be with.   who saute scallops to perfection, and   make your experience unlike any other.
  Some of them are avid gourmet types   grill incredible meals, there is some-
  who insist on and seem to enjoy plan-  thing special about the ones who travel   Our agents provide meaningful, personable, and
  ning and serving meals. I like that and   with their own screwdrivers and elec-
  willingly sit back, relishing being a   tric drills and who know how to wield
  guest in my own home.               a paintbrush.. God bless them, and I             informative advice to assist you
   Others like to plan games and      hope they had enough fun that they’ll
  sporting events, for themselves inde-  come back again. They are certainly at          in all of your insurance needs.
  pendently or for the whole group. I like   the top of my list of those to “pencil
  that too. It’s nice to have other people   in.”
  make decisions for a change.                                                                  (772) 261-2880

  Communications Committee                                                           BASSININSURANCE.COM

    Ocean  Villagers, the Communica-   number inside and take it to the Admis-
  tions Committee needs your help.  We  tration Building. Let us know what the
  are writing the History of Ocean Village  objects represent and we will give you
  and require photos, artifacts, and stories  credit in the article if we can use them.
  which will visually enhance our articles.  After copying the information or artifact,
  The Village will be 50 years old in 2023,  we will return it to you. A special thank
  so we would like to complete the proj-  you to Lois Patton, Peter Harrison, Betty
  ect by then. If you have something we  Messier, and Carol Hulse who have al-
  may borrow, please put it - the photos,  ready found gems for our project: The
  stories, the artifacts - in an envelope. Be  History of Ocean Village.
  sure to put your name, address and phone                    Pat Sorvino
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