Page 4 - July_Pages
P. 4

Page 4
  The Lowdown

    I am laughing!!! I just responded to a ques-                                                  “Easy One Stop Shopping’ for doctor’s appoint-
  tion on Facebook. The question was...Do you       We  call  our  place  “Camp  David.”  Because  ments and tests.Anything major is two hours
  remember a phrase your father would say when  we built our beach house the year my son, Da-     away in Marquette!
  you were growing up? My answer was... “Do  vid Jr. died of cancer at 32 in 2000...we named        It’s true...We do have the best of both worlds!
  you guys want a Backhand SMASH???” Dad  our spot “In Memory” of David. Both Pam and  Boomer loves it...NO LEASH! He just takes his
  would famously say this when we as kids were  I were still working, so we decided to rent it  walks down the beach...and whatever happens...
  “acting up’ in the back seat of the car!!! As I  out for most of the summers until we fully re-  happens! The “Cold Water Therapy” is great for
  think of it...laughter came to me! I am glad that  tired in 2005. People from all over the United  his aging sore legs! One month down and five to
  question was brought back a wonder-  States were our renters...many of them put into  go! Wow...the time is moving fast!!!
  ful “I think funny” memory! He never did carry  our guest book “perhaps the most beautiful and                               David Alexander
  out his threat!                                 peaceful stretch of beach, we have ever seen.”                
    It’s now summer...and instead of me talking  We are in a fairly  isolated  area  of “Protected
  about our paradise at Ocean Village...I thought  Sand Dunes” by the State of Michigan. We had
  I would tell you about our little paradise on the  strict rules to abide by when we built...all un-
  north shore of Lake Michigan, in Michigan’s  der the “Michigan Sand Dunes Act” of the mid
  Upper Peninsula. Our dream began when I pur-    1980’s.
  chased a one acre lot with 100 ft. of frontage    Manistique, our nearest town is small,  with
  on Lake Michigan about 8 miles east of Man-     a population of about 3,500. Compared to OV,
  istique, MI in 1992. Most people know of the  our social life is minimal! Our summers most-
  “Mackinac  Bridge”  you  get  off  the  north  ly involve visits from family and friends...and
  side of the bridge...we are located  about 80  “Lot’s of Kodak moments” with grandkids on
  miles to the west! From Ft Pierce, we are 1,625  the  beach.We do have  a  fairly  new hospital
  miles...close to a three day drive!             that offers 24 hour emergency service...and it’s

                                                                                                             Alexander the Great, a warrior king
                                                                                                            in ancient Greece, was born in 356 BC.
                                                                                                            Like many people we see around us,
                                                                                                            we could dismiss what he did and said
                                                                                                            as “ancient history” and not applicable
                                                                                                             The reality is, people are people. They
                                                                                                            are the same today as they were 2,300
                                                                                                            years ago.  Technology and conditions
                                                                                                            may change but the issues we face do
                                                                                                            not change.
                                                                                                             Wherever we are in history, if we want
                                                                                                            to do something, we need to try. To win
                                                                                                            the lottery, we need to buy a ticket. If we
                                                                                                            want to climb a mountain, we need to
                                                                                                            go to the mountain and not wait for it to
                                                                                                            come to us.
                                                                                                             Today, in the 24 hour soundbite world,
                                                                                                            it is too easy to say I can’t do it or there
                                                                                                            is no way and that the obstacles are in-
                                                                                                            surmountable for one person to accom-
                                                                                                            plish. Yes, it is easy to say: I am only one
                                                                                                            person in 8.4 billion and give up.
                                                                                                             A much more positive position is to
                                                                                                            say: Here is what I can do and try to
                                                                                                            make  it  happen.  The  first  step  in  any
                                                                                                            successful journey is that first step - a
                                                                                                            willingness and commitment to try and
                                                                                                            make it happen. Yes, there may be set-
                                                                                                            backs (taken as failures by some). That
                                                                                                            comes  with  the  territory.  Rather  than
                                                                                                            give up, it is far better to try a new tac-
                                                                                                            tic, a new approach and go after it again.
                                                                                                            Persistence is a part of trying.
                                                                                                                                    Jim Seymour

                                                                                                            The new email address for Security is:
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