Page 6 - Qtr4_Neat
P. 6
(Continued from p. 5)
of Directors: Dustin Emerson, Springer methods such as Aprehend fungal
Professional Home Services, Des Moines; biopesticide and CimeXa Dust. Tom’s
and Dan Polson, The Bug Man Inc., Des second presentation was a quick survey
Moines. of a “Top-12” difficult pest situations:
Making his fifth appearance at the IPMA delusory parasitosis, boxelder bugs in a
conference this century, Fred Whitford pharmaceutical plant, fleas, fungus gnats,
covered a lot about chemicals: What are rice weevils, rodent mites in a theater,
ideal storage conditions? How long can phorid flies, and more.
pesticides be stored? What happens when First-time presenter and IPMA Board
pesticides get old? What happens when member Gene Spaulding (Bobcat Wildlife
pesticides freeze? The answers to these & Pest Management, Redfield IA) was
and other questions are reviewed in the informative and blunt. Are you legal when
Purdue Pesticide Program booklet PPP- providing wildlife pest control service?
142, “Is This Pesticide On My Shelf Still The answer was, unfortunately, probably
Good?” at not. If you’re unsure about hunting
Heather Alonso reviewed termite life license and trap tag requirements, refer
cycles, habits, and their relationship to the Iowa DNR Nuisance Wildlife Control
to wood. Social behavior in termites is Operator Guidebook for everything you
complicated. For example, the youngest need to know if you deal with animals for
termite workers in the colony perform pay or want to be paid.
domestic tasks inside the colony, such The day’s final presentation was
as feeding, grooming, and caring for another pest identification quiz from
the young. The older, more expendable Donald Lewis (ISU). Everyone could play
workers take on the hazardous jobs of along by logging into the quiz via their
foraging and nest building. Successful cell phone. It was an interesting way to
termite treatment requires matching be reminded that training and sharpening
treatment techniques to construction type pest identification skills are essential parts
and knowing as much as possible about of the job.
construction techniques and terminology. The IPMA Silent Auction (items
Later in the day, Heather explained donated by the vendors, Board members,
the breadth and depth of knowledge and others) raised $1,185 for the IPMA
needed to perform successful mosquito Scholarship Fund. Scholarships are
management. available for immediate family members
Tom Dobrinska spoke twice on Friday. of member companies and may be used
The first time was an overview of the for any post-high school education and
importance of a three-phase bed bug training. The deadline for scholarship
treatment plan: Minimize introduction; applications is May 1.
Surveillance, and Elimination. Specific
tips included protecting yourself with PPE,
vacuuming to REMOVE all live & dead bed
bugs, cast skins and eggs, and treating
thoroughly with new generation treatment
Page 6 IPMA Connection • 4th Quarter, 2021