Page 5 - 2ndQtr2022IPMA
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End of an Era
s you may have heard by
now, I retired as Professor
of Entomology at Iowa
AState University on June 3,
2022. It’s been a fun and rewarding
career, but 45 years, 2 months, and
13 days felt like enough.
My retirement is not “goodbye,”
but “see you later.” I’ll still be
around and answering occasional
insect identification questions for the
ISU Plant & Insect Diagnostic Clinic
and teaching Master Gardeners. I
will continue to collaborate with the Iowa Pest Control Month Proclamation by
IPMA Board of Directors at least through Governor Robert Ray, June 10, 1982. From
the November Conference (November 19 Left: Bob Bosch, Muscatine; Donald Lewis,
& 11!) I’m looking forward to finishing ISU; Governor Ray; Molly Anderson, Cedar
started projects before I ride off into the Rapids; Ron Salisbury, Des Moines.
sunset to spend more time with grandkids demands, and changes in pests and pest
and gardening. management (bed bugs were not an issue
when I started in 1977!).
Above is a picture of a few of the
leaders who helped me understand pest
management when I started decades
ago. Thank you to four decades of friends
and colleagues for being part of my Iowa
Adventure and for patiently sharing the
details of your industry with me. I learned
more from you than you learned from me.
I’m grateful to the citizens of Iowa for
providing me the opportunity to study
It has been a pleasure to work with insects, answer your insect questions and
multiple generations of pest management share the marvels and practical details
professionals in Iowa and the dedicated of entomology. Being an extension
volunteers who served on your Board entomologist for 45 years never felt like a
of Directors. It was gratifying to work job because of the variety and diversity of
with innovative, creative, and adaptable insects and people I’ve met and assisted
professionals to meet the challenges along the way.
of by-laws revisions, legislative issues,
pesticide, and pesticide label changes, I’ll see you later!
fluctuating consumer expectations and --Dr. Donald Lewis
IPMA Connection • 2nd Quarter, 2022 Page 5