Page 87 - The New Encyclopedia of Knots
P. 87

figure 59

  Unlay the end of the rope just a short way, and seal the ends of the strands. This makes them easier to
  tuck, and also stops them from fraying. Take the middle strand and tuck it under one strand of the
  standing part against the lay, at a point that provides you with a loop of the required size. Then take

  the strand that is lying on the inside, and tuck it under the next strand of the standing part at the same
  point along the rope (figure 60.1). It is now easier to turn over the work to tuck the third strand under
  the remaining strand of the standing part, at the same position as the first two strands have been

  tucked. In order to do this, you will have to turn this strand back upon itself so that it too is tucked into
  the standing part against the lay.
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