Page 136 - Doug Werner Boxer's Start-Up
P. 136
Chapter Twelve
knot swings in order to avoid its return sweep. It’s a good drill.
Makes you develop some rhythm in a fashion you’d never have to
use otherwise (after all, you never bob like this in any other pur-
Then Al has me put on headgear and insert mouthpiece.He slips on
a glove and a focus mitt. He throws jabs and left hooks that I must
slip or block. I throw at his mitt (he asks me to remember not to
punch his face ... I think oh that’s just great punch my head
and I punch your hand ...thank you very much!) with jabs and an
occasional right hand.
The first round of this drill is clumsy as I get used to getting hit,
defending myself and throwing punches all at the same time. It’s
pretty confusing but very, very exciting. I automatically start
dancing around like a fool,but this ain’t where it’s at. The thing you
want to do is to control and conserve your movements. All the run-
ning around just tires me out. As we go on, I try to use my feet less
and my head movements more.This is tough because I get tagged
every now and then.
Although Al is punching lightly (for him) his blows are still some-
thing I’d rather avoid. My slipping and blocking improve dramati-
cally (no kidding!) as we continue to spar another round or two.By
the fourth round I’m into it.This is it.I’m doing OK and even Al says
I’m not really shy of being hit, it’s the confusion that sometimes
occurs that bothers me most. Losing control, taking my eyes off Al
during a punch, thinking too much, getting all jumpy, etc. Actually, I
laugh every time I really get nailed. I ask Al if that’s a good sign and
he says yeah, I guess ... and he starts laughing, too.
What can I say? Just having a wonderful time eating leather.
I hope this contact stuff gets more and more airplay.It’s a great way
to learn and beats hell out of all the drills. Heck, I’ve been drilling
since July!
12-18-97: Lesson #35
After some work on the pillar we spar as before: I throw jabs and