Page 22 - Pat O'Keeffe Combat Kick Boxing
P. 22
Combat Kick Boxing
The best tool for sharpening the jab
is the focus pad and the best drill is
the ‘snap up’ focus pad drill. Have your
partner hold the focus pad against their
chest, then, at varying intervals, he or
she ‘snaps up’ the pad and you respond
by throwing the jab as fast and hard as
you can. (Figs. 12 and 13)
This practice method will work
your reflex speed, limb speed and body
speed. (See Kick Boxing – A Framework
for Success, ‘Chapter Seven – Speed and
The bag should be used to gain raw
power. Throw three sets of ten jabs,
ensuring you ‘sink’ the punch as far as
you can into the bag. (Fig. 14)
Practice can be made more varied
by starting from different positions, for
example with your hands down at
your sides, from the cross arm-ready Fig 12
stance or the thinking man stance.
Further, you should also practise
throwing double jabs as this is the
fastest of the stop/hit combinations
and can finish the fight before it
Fig 13
The Cross