Page 25 - Pat O'Keeffe Combat Kick Boxing
P. 25
Targets and Techniques
The hook is a curved punch of infinite
variety that is meant to come around
an assailant’s guard. Although it can
be used at long, middle and short
ranges, it is primarily a short-range
To throw a hook, pivot strongly
with your ankle, hip and shoulder,
letting your arm leave your chin at the
last possible moment, thus making it
hard for your assailant to read it. Keep
your elbow high and finish with your
chin tucked well down. (Figs. 17 and
Fig 17
In street situations you are spoilt for
choice with this punch when it comes
to targets. On the head, the jaw, chin,
temple, eye and throat are all targets.
Targets on the body include the solar
plexus, liver, floating ribs, lower
abdomen and the kidneys.
When used as a counter I believe
the hook to be without equal. The
nature of the punch is that it curves
outside of your assailant’s line of
vision, making it very hard to read.
The degree of ‘hook’ can be controlled
very accurately, making it extremely
versatile. You should experiment to
Fig 18 find your own preferences, using a
combination of focus pad drills and the
A full range of hooks is described in
the first volume of this series, Kick
Boxing – A Framework for Success. There
is one variation on the hook that is
particularly effective and warrants
description here.
The Shovel Hook