Page 8 - Robert W. Smith - Pa kua_ Chinese boxing for fitness & self-defense-North Atlantic Books (2003)
P. 8

day  Tung took  the  offensive  and  so  completely  defeated  Kuo  that
                      he  made  him  a  lifelong  friend.  Thereupon  they  signed  a  brother-
                      hood  pact  requiring hsing-i  students  to  take  Pa-kua  training  and
                      vice  versa.  For  this  reason—a  most  unusual  denouement  by  any-
                      one's standards—the  systems  are to this day coupled and comple-
                      Near  middle  age,  Tung  became  a  eunuch  in  the  king's  palace.
                      He did not get on with his fellows, however, and soon was assigned
                      to  the royal  family  of Su  Ch'in-wang as a servant.  Su  employed a
                      Mohammedan boxer and  his  wife as chief protectors of the house-
                     hold.  Sha  Hui-tzu,  the  boxer,  held  everyone  to  immediate  obedi-
                     ence,  and  his  wife,  an  expert  pistol  shot,  made  them  a  solid
                     combination.  Once  at  a  big  banquet  where  the  congestion  was
                     beyond  relief,  Tung  served  tea  to  the  guests  by  lightly  scaling  the
                     wall  and  crossing  the  roof  to  the  kitchen  and  back.  Lord  Su                                Fig.  2  Master  Yin  Fu
                     recognized  from  this that Tung probably had  boxing ability.  Sub-
                     sequently, he ordered Tung to show his art. Tung did:  he demon-         wall  collapsed  and  his  disciples  ran  up,  fearful  that  he  had  been
                     strated  Pa-kua  His  sudden  turns  and  fluid  style  enthralled  the  buried.  He  was  found  nearby  sitting  in  the  same  chair  leaning
                     audience. Thereupon, Sha challenged Tung but was defeated. Tung          against  another  wall!  But  the  grandest  story,  told  by  Wan  Lai-
                     watched for Sha to attempt revenge.  Late one night Sha crept into       sheng,  concerns Tung's death.  Certain that he  was dead,  some of
                     Tung's  bedroom,  a  knife  in  hand,  while his  wife  aimed  her pistol  his  students  attempted  to  raise  the  casket prior to  burial.  But the
                     through  the  window  at  Tung.  Tung  quickly  took  the  pistol  from  casket  would  not  move.  It  was  as  though  it  were  riveted  to  the
                     her and turned on Sha, who pounded his head on the floor seeking         ground. As his students tried again and again to lift it, a voice came
                     forgiveness.  Tung  agreed  to  forgive  him  and even accepted Sha as   from  inside  the  casket:  "As  I  told  you  many  times,  none  of  you
                     a  student.                                                              has  one-tenth my skill!"  He then  died  and  the  casket  was  moved
                       Later in  life Tung retired and taught only a  few  selected persons   easily.
                     his  Pa-kua.  Although  he  withered,  the  stories  did  not.*  One had   Tung  died  at  eighty-four.  His  most  famous  students  (of  a  re-
                     him  in  the midst  of several  men  with  weapons  who  were bent  on   ported  total  of  only  seventy-two)  were:  Yin  Fu  (  ),  Ch'eng
                     his  blood.  He  not  only  emerged  unscathed,  but  soundly  beat  his  T'ing-hua  (  ),  Ma  Wei-chi (  ),  Liu  Feng-ch'un (  ),
                     attackers. Another time he sat in a chair leaning against a wall. The    and  Shin Liu (  ).
                                                                                                Yin Fu (nicknamed "Thin Yin") was a native of I-hsien in Hopeh
                       *  Lest the reader scoff too resoundingly, let him heed the words of R.  H.  Tawney:
                     "Legends are apt, however, to be as right in substance as they are wrong in detail."  Province  (see  Fig.  2).  Although  his  skill  was  superior  he  taught

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