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         By Lizna Odhwani
        Social Security Public Affairs Speclialist in Virginia

     One day in 1939, Ida May Fuller stopped  started with her getting the information
     by  the  local  Social  Security  office  in  she needed.
     her hometown of Rutland,  Vermont to
     inquire  about  Social  Security  benefits.
                                         Today,  signing  up  for  a  personal  my
     She knew she had been paying into
                                         Social Security account at
     Social Security, and wanted to learn   myaccount can help you get information
     more.  The following year, she received   tailored for you to plan for your
     the  very  first  Social  Security  benefit
                                         retirement.    It’s  never  too  late  to  start
     payment  —  $22.54  —  arriving  as  check   planning.  Ida was 65 years old when she
     number  00-000-001.    Ida’s  story  still
                                         started receiving benefit payments, but
     holds lessons for women today — and it
                                                            Continued on page 56
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