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she lived well beyond her life expectancy Savings need to be an active part
of 65 years, 4 months. In fact, Ida lived of your plan to take care of yourself
to be 100 years old, and received Social and your family’s financial future. Ida
Security benefit payments for 35 years. never married. She supported herself.
However, you may find yourself
widowed or divorced — and having to
It’s important to create your personal provide for yourself for several more
my Social Security account as soon as
years. Unlike in Ida’s day, you can go
possible. With your account, you can online to see if you’re eligible at www.
view estimates of future benefits, verify to receive a current,
your earnings, and view the estimated deceased, or former spouse’s benefits.
Social Security and Medicare taxes It might make financial sense to claim
you’ve paid. Verifying earnings is
those benefits instead of your own —
important because your future benefit is since the payments could be higher
based on your earnings history.
based on the individual’s own earnings
Your Social Security benefit payments
will provide only a portion of your pre- We encourage you to follow Ida’s
retirement income. You may have to
example and plan for your financial
save more to have adequate income for future. Please share this information
your desired lifestyle in retirement.
with your friends and family — and help
us spread the word on social media.
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