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Eat Your Vegetables!
Farm to Table | Today from the Bay | Babylon Micro-Farms
Our Promise to
Veterans food transportation, and reduced
As we age, a balanced diet is
food waste by almost 400 pounds.
more important than ever. The
benefits of farm-to-table dining This award-winning partnership in
include reducing blood pressure, 2.
Recognition: Our Wall of Valor
Over the course of almost 20 years hydroponic farming provides the
serving seniors, we have had the privilege freshest produce available, helped
lowering risk of heart disease, and showcases all the veterans residing in
of welcoming many veterans into our to grow by our own residents.
promoting higher brain activity. our community. These individuals are
Recognizing this importance,
communities, and their experiences celebrated at pinning ceremonies, and a
have made a big impact on all of us. We star is displayed at the entrance to their
Commonwealth Senior Living
launched several programs to help suite. When they leave us, we show our
have listened to first-hand accounts of
bring fresh foods and vegetables to reverence with military honors and a
storming the beaches of Normandy, of the
merciless conditions of the Korean War, presentation of the flag to the family.
and most recently, our Vietnam Veterans
In 2015, we launched our
occasionally share what they went 3. Rate Lock for Life: This means
Farm-to-Table dining program
through both overseas and when they got that the rate on a veteran’s suite will
in partnership with Produce
home. Source Partners. This brought never increase. This is an offer that
For seniors still living at home,
here are a few tips on making
fresh, Virginia grown fruits only Commonwealth Senior Living can
The sacrifices these men and women promise. The rate lock applies to the base
healthy choices easier:
and vegetables to all of our
made for their country humbles us. At rate. Care level charges may vary with
1. Cook at home more often
Commonwealth Senior Living, we feel it needs. 2. Eat what’s in season
In 2016, the program was
is our duty and honor to recognize these 3. Eat local!
expanded with Today from the
veterans and their spouses. We call this These acts of gratitude are our small
Bay, in partnership with Sam Rust
It is a privilege for our
our Promise to Veterans. This promise way of saying thank you to those who
Seafood, to introduce seasonal
communities to continue to
includes: sacrificed so much for this country. If you
seafood from the Chesapeake Bay. know a veteran or surviving spouse who
implement these extraordinary
dining programs which ultimately
The next introduction was
1. Financial Benefit: A complimentary would benefit from this level of support,
help improve the lives of seniors.
Babylon Micro-Farms, one of
consultation with Hook Law Center to please reach out to us today to get more
Contact a Commonwealth Senior
the first of its kind in the senior
obtain Veteran’s Aid & Attendance benefit information.
Living community near you to find
living industry, and we are proud
(up to $1936/month for a veteran, $1295/ out what’s on the menu today!
to be able to integrate their fresh,
month for surviving spouse, and $2296/ Visit to find
locally-sourced vegetables into our
Visit to
couple dependent upon level of care). In the community nearest you.
residents’ dining. In 2020 alone,
addition to helping families navigate the find the community nearest you.
our communities’ Micro-Farms
Aid & Attendance benefits, Hook Law
grew over 24 thousand plants,
Center offers preferred pricing for power
saved over 325 gallons of water,
of attorney, wills, and estate preparation to
avoided over 43 million miles of
future residents of Commonwealth Senior
Living and hold the Certified Elder Law
Attorney (CELA) designation.