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     Continued from page 20
      •  Fitness fun
      •  Music programs
      •  Expressive art
      •  Cooking classes and demos
      •  Reminiscing, trivia &  games
      •  Fun socials with new friends
      •  “It’s Never 2 Late” Technology
      •  Guest speakers
     This comprehensive program gives
     caregivers a period of respite to take
     care of their own personal needs
     while preserving financial resources. It offers peace of mind to families with the promise of
     a vibrant, engaging atmosphere at a fraction of what it would cost for the same care at an
     institutional facility.
     The Adult Day Center is evaluated by participants and caregivers via satisfaction surveys
     and by its licensing agency, the Virginia Department of Social Services. In the last year the
     center as had three surveys, all of which have been deficiency free. In 2019 the center won
     the “Center of Distinction Award” from the National Adult Day Services Association which
     recognizes outstanding and innovative adult day centers that serve as a model on which others
     can learn from as “best practice.”
     To learn more about the program or to learn how to apply, please call 757-565-6544. We look
     forward to serving you and your loved one.
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