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58                                      RETIREMENT & INDEPENDENT LIVING

      In Need of a Helping Hand?

     Need help recovering from an injury or ill-  convenient to patient and my family?
     ness, living with a disability or just in need   How fast can they start care?
     of a helping hand? Hand ‘N Heart has been   •   Does agency help with arrangements
     providing outstanding care to thousands of   for necessary supplies and equipment
     seniors in the Virginia area for fifteen years.   in home, home modifications, and
     We have three offices conveniently located   other community services such as
     in Richmond, Williamsburg and Virginia   meals on wheels, transportation, adult
     Beach. This enables us to provide care for a   daycare?
     large area of Virginia.
     Hand ‘N Heart offers friendly passionate pri-  •   Are families encouraged to participate
     vate duty nurses who are highly trained and   with developing plan of care and are
     licensed who provide the best care for your   they involved with ongoing changes
     loved ones. Hand ‘N Heart staff help seniors   needed? Is a written plan of care pro-
     stay independent and add to their qual-  vided that clearly states services to be
     ity of life. Our nurses are selected for their   provided?
     discrete gentle manner and their dedication.   •   Do families have any say in the care-
     They provide the assistance you require   giver or caregivers sent to their home
     so you can enjoy your independence and   and will same person be returning each
     dignity. With three levels of superior service,   time? If unsatisfied with caregiver selec-
     professional personal care, companionship   tion, can I request changes and what
     and independence plus, Hand ‘N Heart is the   accommodations are made?
     place for all of your needs. A helping hand
     and a friendly heart make all the difference.   •   Do the caregivers work directly for the
     See our ad on page 73.                  agency? Does a nurse supervise them
                                             or who does and how often? Are staff
     Use the following checklist compiled by our   licensed and bonded?
     experienced home care nurses to help you   •   Are they subject to criminal back-
     choose the right home care agency.      ground checks, routine drug testing and
                                             how many personal references are on
        Does the agency provide services to my   file? Does agency provide ongoing train-
        community and how many years have    ing to staff on regular basis?
        they been in business?
                                         •   Does agency have a 24 hour on call
     •   Does agency provide the type of ser-  system in place and who responds to
        vices and caregivers that are needed?   emergencies?
        What other services are available that   •   Does the agency explain the "Patients
        might be needed later?
                                             Rights and Responsibilities"? Who
     •   Is initial assessment visit performed by   should be called with questions or com-
        a health professional such as nurse?   plaints? How can I expect the agency
        Does he/she meet at time and location   respond?
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