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     Yes, but remember to check with your   Balance, and Flexibility.
     doctor if you are over 50 and aren’t   Endurance exercises are those that ben-
     physically active already. It’s best to   efit your staying power – cardio, cycling,
     start out slowly with just a few minutes   skating, and activities like this. Build up
     of activity, then build up to longer   to 30 minutes of activity each day. As
     sessions and more difficult activities   a general rule, if you can talk normally
     or movements over a few weeks or    while performing the activity, it should
     months. Build up to about 30 minutes   be more challenging; but, if you can’t
     of exercise activity 6 days a week. This   talk or can barely catch your breath, you
     level of activity should make you sweat   are working too hard – lighten up!
     some, which is normal if you’re exerting   Strength exercises include lifting
     enough effort.
                                         weights, stretch bands, and gym ma-
     Find something you like to do:      chines that use weight stacks to in-
      • Bike riding                      crease difficulty. This would also include
      • Walking/hiking/running           some calisthenics, like pushups, squats,
      • Weightlifting                    bicep curls, and pullups.
      • Dance                            Balance work is vital to maintaining
      • Work around the house/rake leaves/
                                         your health. Much like they say about
        wash the car
                                         riding a bicycle, working on your bal-
     Exercise has many benefits, from losing   ance comes back easily with practice.
     weight to building muscle, feeling and   However, an inner ear problem may
     looking better, moving and resting   interfere with improvement in this area.
     more easily, and living a more able life-   Start easy with just lifting one foot and
     style. These benefits are grouped into
                                         holding onto a table or other solid item.
     four major types: Endurance, Strength,
                                                            Continued on page 64
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