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     developing a product that would work   Other physical improvements contin-
     as an alternative fuel to glucose for   ued over the course of 2 months which
     the brain, which turned out to be MCT   included tremors in his jaw and hands
     (medium-chain triglyceride) oil, which   started to disappear and the gait in his
     is made up about 60% coconut oil. This   walk started to normalize. About 3 to
     company had researched and came to   4 months later, his ability to read came
     the conclusion that the use of MCT oil   back and he explained to his wife that
     had improved the memory and cogni-  before the words were moving around
     tion on about 50% of the participants in   in little boxes on a page, but once that
     their study.                        stopped he could read again. Conversa-
                                         tion continued to improve significantly
     At that Dr. Newport had decided she   and remembering the names of fam-
     didn’t have anything to lose. So she   ily members when he couldn’t identify
     went to a store, purchased a bottle of   them a year earlier started to happen.
     coconut oil and figured out that her
     husband would need the equivalent   Dr. Newsome’s husband stabilized for
     of roughly 2 tablespoons to get the   about 2 years. After that time, he had
     same amount of the MCT’s used by the   setbacks and eventually lost the battle
     company online with their participants.   to Alzheimer’s. In November 2019, Dr.
     What happened after using the coconut   Newsome wrote the following letter on
     oil was considered remarkable.      her website,,
     Steve went from being very sluggish    regarding her treatment with the use of
     and hardly able to converse to having   coconut oil and the overall impact it had
     more energy, making conversation    on her husband.
     and getting some of his sense of humor   “It has been more than 11 years since
     back. About 2 weeks after taking the   Steve improved in May 2008 with
     oil, he was asked to draw a clock face (a   coconut oil, the richest natural source
     very common part of the doctor’s exam   of medium-chain triglycerides, which
     for Alzheimer’s) and the results are as   convert to ketones, an alternative fuel
     shown at the top of the page.
                                         for the brain. He improved very signifi-
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