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cantly and steadily the first year and could help prevent or delay the onset of
remained stable for at least 2 to three this dreadful disease. A number of small
more years. He began having seizures studies have been completed and larger
in summer 2013 starting with a head studies are in progress, showing prelimi-
injury from a fall and did not fully nary good results. The Alzheimer’s As-
recover. Despite this serious setback, it sociation is funding an MCT oil/ketone
was well worth the extra quality years PET study and plans to fund a similar
that we had together as a family. He study of the Veech ketone ester.”*
remained in our home with the help of As we know today, there is no known
our wonderful caregivers. Although he cure for Alzheimer’s. However, many
lost his battle with Alzheimer’s on Janu- have devoted their lives studying the
ary 2, 2016 at age 65, there is still hope various protocols and suggestions for
for others who are at risk or in earlier eating better and improving the brain
stages of this horrible disease, and their that we have. For more information,
families might actually win their fight.
please go to www.awakeningfromal-
Recent studies using Ketone and , click over to the video
Glucose Uptake PET scans show that section and take time to listen to the
ketones are taken up normally in the ar- interviews. You will hear the interview
eas of the brain affected by Alzheimer’s with Dr. Mary Newsome along with
disease even when glucose is not and many others in the field who suggest
consuming medium-chain triglyceride ways to improve your brain health.
(MCT) oil can fill in the gap between Make it a priority in 2020 – brain health
how much energy the brain needs and is the key to good aging. Take care of the
how much it receives. This strategy brain you have.
Zach Frailey
Cape Hatteras is the largest lighthouse to ever be moved due to erosion.