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     Continued from page 13
     and takes multivitamins.            tured travel arrangements, life on the
                                         road can be challenging. Routines are
     A common theme of quite a few of the   hard to maintain, and time is filled with
     70+ crowd we studied for this article   rehearsals, sound checks, appearances
     indicated many of these same traits in   and of course the actual performances.
     keeping them ready and prepared to   Almost all of them detailed exercise
     be ‘On the Road Again’. Cher (73), is   routines that were easy to manage and
     a vegan who eats ‘tons of vegetables’,   simple to execute – running, dancing,
     doesn’t smoke or drink and does a lot of   walking, swimming, biking (either ac-
     cardio. Bruce Springsteen (70), Carlos   tual or stationary). Cher also mentioned
     Santana (72) and the members of Fleet-  Wii Tennis (video game console virtual
     wood Mac (average age 70+) all claim   routines).
     similar lifestyle traits. A quick review of
     the website that details   The guy who brought you ‘When I’m
     current acts on tour showed Santana   Sixty-Four’ is 77 years old now and has
     with more than 30 shows in 2019, Cher   been on a prolonged world tour for
     is booked at 34 shows, and even older   nearly a decade. Paul McCartney, like
     acts like Willie Nelson (86), The Beach   Mick Jagger and Rod Stewart, seems
     Boys (all late 70s) and Paul Anka (77),   like a much younger guy and shows
     each logging more than 25 concerts for   no signs of actual aging at times. Mc-
     this year.                          Cartney, who is selling out and rocking,
                                         arenas with 2+ hour shows each night,
     Even with most of these stars at a career   is a lifelong vegan who adheres to a rig-
     level where they can afford nicely struc-
                                         idly healthy diet and exercises regularly.

                                                           Continued on page 22
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