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     Continued from page 19
     He gets in his cardio on the treadmill,   Most every one of the individuals we
     bike and a little yoga and says he doesn’t  studied focused on a well-rounded
     have a trainer, he sometimes watches   and balanced approach to their overall
     them (from afar) then just does what he   health. Each made their diet a central
     sees. So what is Sir Paul’s claim to fame   base for setting them up for success;
     for staying fit? According to PaulMc-  healthy natural choices that limited (or his trick is the headstand.   eliminated) meat, processed foods and
     He says he learned a long time ago   sugar. They paired that with moderate,
     that a 5-minute headstand will provide   regular (most indicated more often as
     a great little full body workout (think   they aged) exercise that was easily per-
     about it, might be slightly more diffi-  formed with minimal gear or assistance.
     cult than your average plank). Stewart   Many also indicated a healthy approach
     (74), credits light weights and a round   to their emotional wellbeing too. Many
     robin of the standards (treadmill, cycle,   studies target proper sleep (eight hours),
     swimming) as his staples for fitness.   reduced stress, a positive outlook and
     Also probably chasing around eight kids   engaging in relationships/activities with
     keeps him young as well?            others (not being alone and/or isolated)
                                         as all important keys to a comprehen-
     Other artists we found to be out there   sive healthy program of fitness and
     touring heavily this year include:
       Tony Bennett (92) with 11 shows
                                         In the end, it seems Billy Joel might
       Sir Elton John (72), an astounding 83    have been off the mark saying that ‘Only
       shows                             the Good Die Young’ because with a
       Lionel Richie (70), 20 shows and also   little luck and some commitment to
       hosting on TV                     your health, there’s no telling how far
                                         you can go!
       Peter Frampton (69), 34 shows
       Sting (67), 38 shows
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