Page 15 - NCsummerfall21
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           Life in the last year has been
           one of great adaptation. For
           those living with dementia,          research validates the use of smartphone
           dementia community was even more vital.   and digital technology.3
           Research is showing that the isolation many   As we have pivoted to virtual and
           experienced increased cognitive decline.   telephone education, support and
           Necessity made us adapt.             engagement, we have been able to meet

           For many of us, our adaptation involved   more frequently and more easily. What
           combatting isolation with online and   was at first surprising and awkward,
           telephone resources. Out of necessity, we   became second nature. As dementia stages
           were able to pivot to continue our outreach   advance, the ability to “get out the door”
           and interconnection. This gave us flexibility   had become more challenging. The coaxing,
           in frequency and availability.       the prep with grooming, timing, medication
                                                had prevented many from reaching out
           Research shows that online education and   for the health that education, support and
           cognitive behavior therapy improve the
           mental health of dementia caregivers.1   engagement offer. With the new virtual and
                                                telephone strategies took much of those
           This is borne out in a recent publication
           of Brain & Life: “By switching to virtual   obstacles off the table.
           events, we have reached a population that   In the words of one virtual support group
           may have been overlooked before. ‘We’ve   member, “The virtual world has helped
           filled a niche we didn’t know was there,   those of us who are often isolated in
           even without COVID”.2 Even telemedicine   our homes,” Ogden says. “I like feeling

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