Page 16 - NCsummerfall21
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           anchored to a community. I’m really sad   If you are new to life with dementia, or
           that it took a pandemic to make it happen,   needing the boost of being with others
           but now that virtual events are here, I really  on the same journey, consider joining a
           hope they don’t go away.”2          virtual dementia community. You can try
           Many initially said, “I’m too old for all   out several to find the communities that
           that technology.” But we adapted.  Family   serve you. Sharing time with those on the
           members set up the computer for mom   same path can make a huge difference.
           and dad to use easily; organizations offered   For more information contact Dr. Cate at
           training courses on successful virtual
           participation.  Telephone calls and video   By-line
           chats became more vital than ever. With
           the right support, we see that indeed   Dr. Cate’s background in nursing, activities
                                               and admissions has given her a passionate
           we learned new technology. We have
           developed deeper friendships and stronger   commitment to quality of life for the
           support than we had from simply attending   individual and family with dementia. Cate
           live events.                        is currently the care partner for her spouse
                                               who has early-stage dementia of the
           The new reality of virtual connection is that   Alzheimer’s type.
           it is stronger than imaginable. In fact, most
           organizations polled said that they would
           take the new and add it to the old.
           What kind of virtual dementia
           communities are available?
             • Support Groups
             • Memory Cafes
             • Mentoring for Care Partners

             • Team Training
             • Family Coaching
             • Grief Counseling
           One of the perks of virtual gatherings
           is developing community with care
           partners from different parts of the globe.
           A University of Texas study found that
           attendees of virtual memory cafes reported   Dr. Cate
           themes of inclusivity and connectiveness
           even from those in geographically remote
           locations.4 What we all share is life with

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