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SENIOR RESOURCES                                      STATEWIDE   21
      Are you always on the lookout for info that is
            just for YOU? Well, you are in luck! has launched a senior focused pod-

      cast station with expert guests in the medical field who offer
             their advice and expertise on a variety of issues.
        Our podcasts are enlightening, engaging, and designed to
      answer your questions providing you with the tools that you
             need to pursue a better quality of life either as a
                          caregiver or as a senior.

           Join me anywhere you like to podcast or search on
        Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, iHeart Radio,
     TuneIn + Alexa from either your desktop or mobile device for
               a list of topics that are relevant to your life.
                 We are Podcast.

                       Your Podcast Host,

                                                         Darleen Mahoney
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