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22  FEATURED ARTICLE                                                       FEATURED ARTICLE                                                                       23

                          Parrish Medical Center
                          Parrish Medical               Center
                          Offers The World’s
                          Offers       The    W   orld’   s
                          Smallest Pacemaker
                          Smallest Pacemaker
                                       Can Now
                          Which Can Now Treat
                          Atrioventricular (A
                          Atrioventricular (AV)
         New Device Means More Patients Are Now
           Candidates for a Leadless Pacing Option

     Parrish Medical Center is one of the   ventricles. When this process – known
     first hospitals in the state of Florida to   as AV synchrony – is achieved, patients
     offer Micra™ AV, the world’s smallest   are healthier and have decreased
     pacemaker with atrioventricular (AV)   likelihood of pacemaker syndrome ,
     synchrony. This new device, indicated for  improved quality of life , and increased
     the treatment of patients with AV block,   blood flow from the left ventricle.
     extends the most advanced pacing tech-  Historically, patients with AV block have
     nology – at one-tenth the size of a tradi-  been treated with traditional dual-cham-
                      tional pacemaker   ber pacemakers which are implanted in
                      – to more patients   the upper chest, under the skin below
                      than ever before.   the collar bone, and connected to the
                      The first procedure   heart using thin wires called “leads.”
                      was performed by   Micra™ AV has several internal atrial
                      Interventional Car-  sensing algorithms which detect cardiac
                      diologist Rene Celis,   movement, allowing the device to adjust
                      MD, on December   pacing in the ventricle to coordinate
     19, 2019 and since then 18 have been   with the atrium, providing “AV synchro-
     performed at Parrish Medical Center.   nous” pacing therapy to patients with AV
     AV block is a type of heart block in   block.
     which the electrical signals between the   The Micra AV, world’s smallest pace-
     chambers of the heart (the atria and the   maker, is the latest cardiovascular
     ventricles) are impaired. Pacemakers,   advancement being offered as part of
     the most common way to treat AV block,   Parrish Medical Center’s cardiovascular
     help restore the heart’s normal rhythm   service line.  Parrish Medical Center
     and relieve symptoms by coordinating   was also the first in Brevard to offer the
     the electrical activity of the atria and the   minimally invasive Impella® heart pump,
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