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     Seniors can call these numbers to reach I-CARE for information about Medicare and its
     prescription drug program, or to talk to regional information, referral and assistance
     specialist/caregiver (IR&A) advocates. You may also call your regional ombudsman to
     report suspected abuse, neglect and/or exploitation of seniors, or to obtain information
     on advance directives and living wills.

     •  To have the Lt. Governor or a member of his staff speak to your civic or faith-based
      senior group, please call us at the State House at 803-734-2080. Arrangements
      need to be made well in advance, so please call as soon as you can and every effort
      will be made to
      accommodate your group. We receive a large number of requests, so please keep
      that in mind as you call. We look forward to meeting with you.
     •  To arrange a State House tour, please call 803-734-2430
     •  To order U.S. or state flags that have flown over the State House, call our office at
     •  To receive electronic copies of the Lt. Governor’s updates to the Senior Community,
      e-mail and type “subscribe” in the message box.


     National Consumers League - Fraud Info  SC State Library - Dept. for the Blind and
     1-202-835-3323                      Physically Handicapped
     National Institute on Aging Info Center  1-800-922-7818
     1-800-222-2225                      Alzheimer’s Association - SC Chapter
     Medicare Consumer Information Line  1-800-272-3900
     1-800-MEDICARE                      SC Health Care Association
     Social Security Administration      1-803-772-7511
     1-800-772-1213                      SC Association of Residential Care Homes
     Veterans Administration             1-800-862-2908
     1-800-827-1000                      Insurance Counseling and Assistance
     SC Bar - Legal Aid Telephone Intake Service   for Elders (I-CARE)
     (LATIS)                             1-800-868-9095
     1-888-346-5592                      Family Caregiver Support Program
     SC Department of Consumer Affairs   1-800-868-9095
     1-800-922-1594                      Long Term Care Ombudsman
     Protection & Advocacy for People    1-800-868-9095
     with Disabilities                   American Red Cross -Central SC Chapter
     1-866-275-7273                      1-800-922-4469
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