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Welcome to Catawba Area Agency on Aging
Catawba Area Agency on Aging, in partnership with citizens, families and their
diverse communities assist older adults in the Catawba Region with aging is-
sues to improve the quality of their lives.
Our Commitment
Catawba Area Agency on Aging (Catawba AAA) recognizes that there are many chal-
lenges and issues regarding the quality of life of our aging adults. We realize that
these issues are complex; as are the solutions. Catawba AAA is committed to assist in
the solution. Catawba Area Agency on Aging (AAA) serves Chester, Lancaster, Union
and York Counties in South Carolina. Our role is to plan, coordinate and advocate for
the development of community services to meet the needs of older adults.
As the focal point on aging for the Catawba region, our goal is to help seniors and
their caregivers make informed decisions about aging well. Catawba AAA is a private,
not-for-profit organization that devotes all its time to aging issues.
Our Services
Catawba Area Agency on Aging (Catawba AAA) is here to help the over 72,000
residents, age 55 and older, who live in Chester, Lancaster, Union and York counties
age well. Catawba AAA plans, coordinates and funds a variety of programs that serve
older adults as well as their families and communities.
• Community Services - meals, transportation, home care and senior activities.
• Ombudsman Services - advocate services and resources for residents of nursing
home and assisted living facilities. Volunteer opportunities available.
• Caregiver Services - information, assistance, counseling, referrals and
supportive services.
• Information, Assistance & Referral - free resource and referral information.
• Speaker Bureau - brief, informative aging presentations for human service
agencies, senior groups or other community organizations.
• Workshops/Training - comprehensive, educational sessions for professionals,
volunteers, caregivers and other community members.