Page 24 - Hampton Roads Senior Living Guide
P. 24
For most older adults, good health ensures Foundation. It utilizes an evidence-based
independence, security, and productivity approach to help people with arthritis or
as they age. Unfortunately, millions struggle other related conditions reduce pain,
every day with challenges such as chronic increase balance, strength and walking pace,
conditions, mobility impairments, nutritional and improve overall health.
deficiencies, depression and substance Studies by the Thurston Arthritis Research
use disorders. Center and the Institute on Aging of the
Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia University of North Carolina show that Walk
(SSSEVA) is addressing these challenges With Ease is proven to:
and working to augment the care received • Reduce the pain and discomfort of arthritis
in healthcare settings through our various • Increase balance, strength and walking pace
evidence-based wellness programs, including
A Matter of Balance, Live Well with Chronic • Build confidence in your ability to be
Pain, Chronic Disease Self Management, and physically active
Diabetes Self Management. • Improve overall health
This year, SSSEVA will be kicking off a new In just six weeks, participants will learn
program for seniors in the community who strategies to better manage their arthritis
have arthritis. In South Hampton Roads alone, and experience how moving can make a
an estimated 34.9% of adults ages 65 and difference in their life and health.
older are living with arthritis pain – a chronic Choose the Format that Works Best for You
condition that can be debilitating and keep The program is offered in two formats: As a
those dealing with it from doing the things self-guided course where individuals use the
they enjoy. Walk With Ease workbook on their own, and
About the Program in groups led by SSSEVA’s trained leaders.
Walk With Ease (WWE) is a community Both the individual and group formats are
exercise and self-management education set up as a structured 6-week program, with
program developed by the Arthritis WWE group sessions meeting for one hour,