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Tucked away on six acres in mid-Pinellas, also embraced technology by utilizing
many would say it’s the best kept secret in state of the art EMAR systems for medica-
Pinellas County when it comes to assisted tion assistance. Free Wi-Fi, computers and
living. Magnolia Gardens has proudly SMART TVs are also part of residents’
served seniors since opening its doors in daily life as they are used for activities
2003. This cozy and homelike commu- and education. Residents can also receive
nity offers several options when it comes assistance when using programs such as
to apartment styles and its All-Inclusive SKYPE for video chats to stay in touch
care package makes it attractive and af- with out of town friends and relatives. “In
fordable! Magnolia Gardens is also one 15 years of serving seniors in the assisted
of the very few communities in the area living industry, I have never come across
which offers all private apartments and a senior living community that delivers
will accept partial monthly payment from a resident experience with so much hap-
programs made available to seniors such piness and peace of mind to its residents
as Medicaid, VA Aid & Attendance, as and family members! I always try to put
well as seniors who currently have a Sec- myself in the shoes of those we serve, and
tion 8 housing voucher. “When it comes I often think about how my own grand-
to amenities, Magnolia has it all,” states parents, who have since passed away,
administrator Philip McCollum. Mag- would have felt when being pressured to
nolia Gardens offers all of the traditional move into an assisted living community.
assisted living services plus an on-site I am pretty confident in saying that no
therapy center and physician office for its senior wants to give up their own home
residents to utilize. Residents enjoy three or be told by their adult children that it’s
delicious meals a day as well as an exciting time to move into a senior living com-
activities program. Magnolia Gardens has munity. It’s crazy to think that it would
be enjoyable at any age let alone someone