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in their 80s or 90s to move some place that had such a hard time making the de-
where they don’t know anyone. On top of cision to transition into senior living often
that, many seniors still have preconceived comment that they wish they had moved
negative notions about senior living and in years earlier! McCollum explains that
still relate assisted living communities to he and his team at Magnolia Gardens have
nursing homes or places where old people built a culture where the residents truly
go to wither away and be forgotten about,” feel comfortable and at home. “It’s easy!”
says McCollum. Usually after a transi- says McCollum. “We simply want our
tion period of a couple of months, newer residents and staff members to be them-
residents start interacting and find that selves! During the new hire process, we
they have many things in common with look for potential staff members who are
other residents. For example, they may genuine and compassionate. If you have
find that they grew up in the same town those qualities, we can help train you on
as another resident. Or two ladies may the easy stuff. Although there is a clinical
find that they both lost a husband in the or care piece involved with assisted living,
past year and that both men had served in the social piece can be just as important.
the same branch of the Armed Forces at We always look for new and exciting ways
the same time. During this time, the new to boost social interaction and ensure
resident will finally begin to see that they that our residents are having fun! When
are not alone. Everyone living in the com- it’s all said and done, I feel that Magnolia
munity was once like them and felt like Gardens is probably the best overall value
them when they first walked through the in the Tampa Bay area when it comes to
doors. It’s through these interactions with assisted living.” says McCollum.
other residents that bonds are created and If you are looking for a senior
new friendships are formed. All of those
fears they once had about moving into an living community with all of the
assisted living community often fade away. bells and whistles that is truly
The new resident will begin to relax again, affordable, DO NOT overlook this
and start to enjoy the amenities and access hidden treasure!
to personal assistance that our community
offers. In most cases, these same residents AL #10314