Page 33 - WCFL Senior Living Resource Magazine
P. 33

With this knowledge we can identify   services search engine, we also want
     areas of improvement, constantly    to provide interesting editorial content
     tweaking, to continually improve    as well as industry information for our
     upon and drive more traffic to your   advertisers.
     community or service.
                                         I searched Google for “CCRC Orlando”
     Four Great Answers to FAQ’s         and your site was nowhere to be found
                                         but my website is #2. Why should I
     How many hits does SeniorLivingGuide.  advertise on
     com get?                  
     We measure our traffic in sessions, not utilizes both
     hits. Sessions count a user who visits   Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and
     and uses our site and does not count us-  Search Engine Advertising (SEA). We
     ers who visit and quickly “bounce” away   focus our marketing and budget on the
     from Many    search terms that provide conversaa-
     websites use hits as a measurement.   tion-based results. While it is not pos-
     Hits can occur multiple times each time   sible to appear #1 on all search engines
     a page is loaded. One visitor to    for all possible search query terms, causes 37 “hits” appears in
     on the home page alone. (Please ask   many popular search results in both the
     for our most recent “Urchin” sessions   organic and paid positions.
     Why should I pay to be on your site if
     basic listings are free?
     Our main goal is to be the leader in content
     for consumers searching for senior hous-
     ing and services information, so we gladly
     list our book advertisers for free as a basic
     listing. The downside to all of this inform-
     tion is it gets harder for each community to
     stand out. Premium and Featured listings
     offer you top search results placement, more
     individual content and links to get advertis-
     ers to your website.
     Your site doesn’t appear to be senior
     friendly. is designed
     primarily for the largest demographic of
     our base – boomer women. In addition
     to being a dynamic senior housing and

                        For more information call 800-775-4846
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