Page 41 - 2022 Great Plains Range Catalogue
P. 41

MAX-CHISEL MODELS                                                              FEATURES & BENEFITS

                                                                                   CHOOSE PARABOLIC OR CHISEL SHANKS

           Max-Chisel ™  Tillage Width  Transport Width  Transport Height  Engine H.P. Required  Number of Shanks  Base Weight  Rigid Models  heavy-duty parabolic
                                                                 MC5109, MC5111
                                                                                  When equipped with

       MC5109  11’6”   14’10”   N/A  250+  9  4,613kg                            toggle-trip shanks,
               (3.5m)  (4.5m)                                                   this unit works in the
                14’   17’4”
       MC5111              N/A  310+  11  5,638kg
               (4.3m)  (5.3m)                                                  mid-ranges of 8" to 12" –        Parabolic
               16’6”   14’6”   10’6”                                                                           Toggle-Trip
       MC5313  (5m)  (4.4m)  (3.2m)  360+  13  6,613kg                        requiring less horsepower          Shank
                19’   14’6”   11’3”
       MC5315  (5.8m)  (4.4m)  (3.4m)  420+  15  7,629kg                      than competitive disk
               21’6”   15’8”   12’6”                                         rippers that run in the
       MC5317                   470+  17  9,843kg   3-Section Models
               (6.6m)  (4.8m)  (3.8m)
                24’   15’8”   13’9”                                         13" to 15" range – while
       MC5319                   530+  19  10,342kg  MC5313, MC5315, MC5317
               (7.3m)  (4.8m)  (4.2m)                                      horizontally fracturing soil
       See for complete specifications.             much better than a disk chisel.
                                                                          Toggle-trip shanks either run
                                                                         at the set depth or trip – there     Chisel Shank
                                                                        is no in-between. Both shanks
                                                                       are effective at eliminating ruts
                                                                       and shallow compaction caused by
                                                                      harvest traffic.

                                                                   SAMURAI BLADES

                                                                  Two opposing rows of
                                                                 exclusive 24" concave
                                                                 turbo-wave blades
                                                                aggressively remove root balls
                                                               while mixing and incorporating
       ADDITIONAL STANDARD FEATURES                            crop residue into the top 4" to 5"
       •  340/65R 18 transport tires; 12.5L x 15 12-ply on wings   of soil. This anchors the residue
         (5317, 5319)                                        to the ground to accelerate the
       •  340/60R 16.5 tires (5313, 5315)                    decomposition process.
       •  12.5L x 15 tires (5109, 5111)
       •  Extra-heavy-duty C-shanks

       •  Walking tandem on center transport
       •  15” (38cm) shank spacing
       •  2¾” spindles w/ 8-bolt hubs
       •  Heavy-wall 4” x 6” frame tubing            MAINTENANCE-FREE BEARINGS  SINGLE-POINT DEPTH STOP  WALKING TANDEM AXLES

       •  Tillage depth up to 12” (30cm) deep       All blades feature maintenance-  Adjust the depth across the   Maintain consistent
       •  LED safety lighting                       free tapered bearings in a cast hub   entire width of the machine in   mainframe height for
                          *only available by ordering through Parts  with a six-lip interlocking seal to   one convenient place.  accurate, uniform
                                                   keep grease in and dirt out.                    tillage depth.
        (see website for complete list of features & options)

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