Page 43 - 2022 Great Plains Range Catalogue
P. 43

TURBO-MAX MODELS                                                               FEATURES & BENEFITS

                                                             Rigid Models
                                                            3.0M, 1200TM, 1500TM
                                                                                      0 DEGREE
          Turbo-Max ®  Tillage Width  Transport Width  Transport Height  Engine H.P. Required  GANG ANGLE

                 Standard Models
                    13’6”   5’4”
        1200TM 12’ (3.7m)      120+
                    (4.1m)  (1.6m)
                                                                                      6 DEGREE
        1500TM 15’ (4.6m)  15’6”   5’4”   150+                                       GANG ANGLE
                    (4.7m)  (1.6m)                     3-Section Model
        3000TM 30’ (9.1m)  (4.7m)  14’ (4.3m) 300+    6.0M-TM, 8.0M-TM, 3000TM
        4000TM  40’   18’ (5.5m)   14’2”   400+
              (12.2m)    (4.3m)
                 Narrow Fold Models                                         HYDRAULICALLY-ADJUSTABLE GANG ANGLE
                          5’ 4”
        3.0TM  10’ (3m)  10’ (3m)  100+                                   One of the most unique features of the Turbo-Max is the
                          5’ 4”                                           ability to angle the gangs from 0° to 6°. Larger models
        6.0TM  20’ (6m)  10’ (3m)  200+
                         (1.7m)                                          (15' and wider) come equipped with hydraulic cylinders to
                         13’ 1”
        8.0TM  26’ (8m)  10’ (3m)  260+
                         (4.0m)                                         make gang angle changes on the go. The smaller models
       See              5-Section Models          are manually adjustable, with the hydraulic adjustment
       for complete specifications.                  4000TM, 4800TM    optional. Heavy, ductile cast spools keep weight in the gangs,
                                                                      ensuring reliability of the C-shanks and bearings.


       •  Maintenance-free bearings
       •  Hydraulic weight transfer                             ROLLING SPIKE HARROW        TRUE VERTICAL TILLAGE MACHINE
       •  Wing flex: 10° down, unlimited up                    Rolling spike harrow tines split Turbo   With 20”(51cm) Turbo coulters
       •  High-tensile tubing                                  coulters to ensure thorough mixing of   spaced 7 1/2” (19cm) apart, Turbo-
                                                              soil and residue, resulting in a smooth,
       •  Walking tandem on center transport (3000TM)        uniform seedbed for optimum planter   Max provides true vertical cutting
                                                                                            without the shearing caused by
       •  Dual wing tires (3000TM)                           performance.                   concave blades. Offset front and
       •  Constant level hitch                                                              rear gangs achieve an effective
                                                                                            residue cutting width of 3 3/4”
       •  Single-tang cast hitch with double-tang insert                                    (9.5cm) when running at 0°.
       •  Heavy-duty jack

       •  Heavy-duty six-lip seal bearings
       •  Extra-heavy-duty C-shanks
       •  Nickel chrome cylinder rods
       •  Tractor hydraulic bypass system (folding models)
       •  Color-coded hydraulic hoses                NEW IMPLEMENT COMMAND ™  OPTIONAL HYDRAULIC    OPTIONAL HYD-ADJUSTABLE
                                                                              REAR REELS
                                                    Now available on 18'-35' models,
       •  LED safety lighting                       this new, optional system allows   Change the down pressure on   Hydraulic fore/aft leveling
                          *only available by ordering through Parts  the operator to set, adjust, and   the rear attachment on-the-  allows the operator to
        OPTIONS                                    monitor their Turbo-Max from an ISO-  go from the tractor cab. This   easily adjust and level the
        (see website for complete list of features & options)  compatible monitor in the tractor cab.  allows the reel to be adjusted   implement from the cab
                                                                             for different field conditions or   without any wrenches or
                                                                             lifted completely, if needed.  tools needed.

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