Page 53 - 2022 Great Plains Range Catalogue
P. 53

40’ STACK-FOLD PL5200                                                          FEATURES & BENEFITS

                                                                                   ON-BOARD SEED DELIVERY OPTIONS

                                                                                  The new PL5200 planter offers you a choice
           40' Stack-Fold  Working Width  Transport Width (Bulk)  Transport Height (Bulk)  Engine H.P. Required  Row Spacing  Base Weight  (Single, Twin)  Seed Capacity  of on-row individual hoppers or bulk seed
                                                                                 with air delivery. The 50-bushel bulk hopper
         PL5200  40’   24’3”   12’11”   36", 38",   6,282-  50bu.               is located close to the tractor to reduce tractor
         12-Row                  260-325
         Bulk-Fill  (12.2m)  (7.4m)  (3.9m)  40"  7,915kg  (1,762 litre)       3-point lifting requirements.
                                                       Single: 3.0 bu.
         12-Row   40’   24’3”   12’11”   260-325  36", 38",   5,669-  (106 litre)/row
         On-Row  (12.2m)  (7.4m)  (3.9m)  40"   7,303kg  Twin: 1.6 bu.
                                                       (56 litre)/row
       See for complete specifications.
                                           Stack-Fold Models

                                                                3-PT OR 2-PT WITH LIFT ASSIST
       •  ISO-6 Control System                                 PL5200 planters can be optioned with   EXCLUSIVE HITCH OFFSET
                                                                                            The offset hitch helps keep the
       •  5000 Series Air-Pro  Meter with industry-leading singulation  either full 3-point mounting for tractors   row units centered on top of the
       •  Positive air is plumbed through the frame to the meters, resulting   large enough to handle the weight or   beds and gives twin-row models
         in an ultra-clean toolbar                           2-point mounted with castoring lift assist   the ability to convert between
       •  Hitch-Pin Ready ™: just drop the pin and go!      wheels to help with the lifting and flotation.  single and twin row spacings in
                                                                                            under an hour.
       •  Lightweight and low compaction
       •  Two (2) heavy-duty hydraulic fans on bulk-fill models

       •  One (1) heavy-duty hydraulic fan on individual-hopper

       •  Wide steps w/ walkboards
       •  Rigid aluminum seed delivery tubes
       •  Unit-mounted coulters                      3-DRIVE OPTIONS         SIMPLE SEED DELIVERY  5000 SERIES ROW UNIT
       •  LED safety lighting                        Choose between either ground   Seed distribution on bulk   Utilizes ductile cast parallel
                                                    drive (shown), hydraulic drive or   models is handled by a venturi   arms for long-term row unit
                          *only available by ordering through Parts  Individual Row Control (IRC) for   system without any moving   stability. 15", 4mm blades
                                                   turn compensation and prescription   parts. This ensures reliability   are offset ½" to form a
        OPTIONS                                   map planting.              and makes cleanout easy.   perfect seed trench.
        (see website for complete list of features & options)

                  SCALES                 ROW-MOUNTED COULTER           7” or 12” MONITOR             CAMERA
   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58