Page 56 - 2022 Great Plains Range Catalogue
P. 56


       The 25 Series row unit was designed to plant more      The opener’s body and cast iron parallel arms are
       accurately, last longer, and be easier to maintain than   narrower, yet stronger, than conventional 30” openers.
       the competition. Its parallel linkage design keeps the   The narrow profile allows this row unit to plant twin-
       row unit in the optimal planting position to provide   row crops, with each pair only 8” apart, in multiple
       precise seed placement to maximize yield potential.    row-spacing configurations.

                               Gravity Delivery

                                                                                               Air Delivery

       - PRESS WHEEL OPTIONS                                                    - TECHNOLOGY

                            1" x 12" DOUBLE-V                SPIDER                                 ROW-PRO
                            This design closes               This wheel design                      Pneumatically con-
                            the seed trench                  achieves excellent                     trolled cylinders that
                            with an aggressive               seed-to-soil contact,                  allow down-pressure
                            “pinching” action.               simultaneously pulling                 adjustments to be
                            It provides                      the soil into the row while            made on the go as
                            excellent depth                  removing any sidewall                  ground conditions
                            control in most soil             compaction caused by                   and penetration
                            conditions.                      wet conditions or                      needs change.
                                                             excessive down pressure.
        Available on all Yield-Pro Series Planters  Available on all Yield-Pro Series Planters  Available on all Yield-Pro Series Planters

                        WEDGE                                 CAST IRON                           CLEAR-SHOT SEED TUBE
                        Combining the “best of                This press wheel                    Clear-Shot® seed tubes
                        both worlds”, this wheel              features tapered cast               provide every seed with
                        design closes the seed                wheels that “pinch”                 a smooth, uninterrupted
                        trench with an aggressive,            the trench closed. It               path to the bottom of
                        tapered edge, while its               is a good choice for                the seed trench while
                        large “footprint” keeps it            seeding into stale                  maintaining industry-
                        on top of loose soil.                 seedbeds in Delta                   leading accuracy at
                                                              regions.                            faster speeds.

        Available on all Yield-Pro Series Planters  Available on all Yield-Pro Series Planters  Available on all Yield-Pro Series Planters

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