Page 59 - 2022 Great Plains Range Catalogue
P. 59

       10’-25’ CUSTOM PLANTERS                                                     25 SERIES ROW UNIT

          10'-25' Custom   Planters  Working Width  Transport Width  Transport Height w/o   Markers  Engine H.P. Required  Row Spacing  Base Weight  Seed Capacity per Row

                 10’ (3m) -   10’ (3m) -             1,134-  1.6 bu.,
         YP425A                  6’6” (1.98m)   75+
                13’4” (4m)  15’ (4.6m)              1,542kg  3 bu.
                 10’ (3m) -   10’ (3m) -             1,361-  1.6 bu.,
        YP425A3P  13’4” (4m)  15’ (4.6m)  6’6” (1.98m)   85+  30",   2,177kg  3 bu.
                15’ (4.6m) -   15’ (4.6m) -          1,678-  1.6 bu.,
         YP625A                  6’6” (1.98m)   95+  38",
                20’ (6.1m)  20’ (6.1m)         40",   2,177kg  3 bu.
                15’ (4.6m) -   15’ (4.6m) -   TR30",   1,905-  1.6 bu.,
        YP625A3P  20’ (6.1m)  20’ (6.1m)  6’6” (1.98m)   100+  TR36",   2,812kg  3 bu.
                20’ (6.1m) -   20’ (6.1m) -    TR40"  2,268-  1.6 bu.,
         YP825A                  6’6” (1.98m)   115+                       The 25 Series row unit utilizes ductile cast parallel arms
                25’ (7.6m)  26’ (7.9m)              3,175kg  3 bu.
                20’ (6.1m) -   20’ (6.1m) -          2,268-  1.6 bu.,     for long-term row unit stability. 15", 4mm blades turning
        YP825A3P  25’ (7.6m)  26’ (7.9m)  6’6” (1.98m)   115+  3,629kg  3 bu.
                22’ (6.7m) -   22’7” (6.9m) -   8’9” (2.7m) -   3 bu./    on 205 triple-lip sealed bearings ensure long life and
        YP1025A3P                         130+  22", 30"  2,767kg
                25’ (7.6m)  26’ (7.9m)  6’6” (1.98m)        row          accurate seed depth. Blades are offset ½" to slice residue
       See for complete specifications.           and form a perfect seed trench.
                          4-ROW                        8-ROW

       •  First set of seed discs included (additional seed discs are optional)
       •  Side-depth wheels are 2½”-wide for twin row models; 3”-wide for   AIR-PRO  METER  CHOOSE A PRESS WHEEL
         22” models; 4”-wide for 30”, 36”, 38”, and 40” models  This simple, positive air pressure meter  Choose (from left) cast for sticky Delta
                                                               offers the highest level of singulation on  soils; wedge to pinch the seed trench
       •  Low hydraulic requirements                          the market today, and achieves uniform   together while providing a wide
       •  Air-Pro  metering and fan system                   spacing by “dead-dropping” seed into the  footprint; 1"x12" double-V for all-
       •  7” square frame tubing                             patented Clear-Shot  seed tube. Gentle on  around performance; or spider wheels
                                                            seeds, it is more efficient than a vacuum
       •  8R19.5 LT gauge wheel tire                       meter and requires less maintenance.  with drag chains for aggressively
                                                                                            closing the seed trench.
       •  Heavy-duty row unit down-pressure springs
         (up to 500 lbs (227kg)./row)
       •  Blade separator w/ stainless fertilizer tube
       •  Clear-Shot  seed tubes
       •  DICKEY-john  PM300 seed monitor w/ speed sensor
       •  Ground-engaging positive drive system      SEED CAPACITY           AVAILABLE ROW SPACINGS  PULL-TYPE OR 3-POINT
       •  Clevis or single strap hitches            1.6 bu./row hoppers on twin-row   Multiple row spacings are   Choose 3-point mounted or
       •  LED safety lighting                       models and 3.0 bu./row hoppers    available to match a variety of   pull-type configurations.
                                                   (shown) on single-row models.  needs, including 30", 36", 38",   Pull-type machines can be
                          *only available by ordering through Parts
                                                                             and 40" single- or twin-row   optioned with either liquid or
        OPTIONS                                                              configurations.       dry fertilizer.
        (see website for complete list of features & options)

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