Page 63 - 2022 Great Plains Range Catalogue
P. 63

20’ & 25’ 3-POINT BOX                                                          FEATURES & BENEFITS

                                                                                    25 SERIES ROW UNIT
           20' & 25' 3-Point Box  Working Width  Transport Width  Transport Height  Engine H.P. Required  Row Spacing  Base Weight  Seed Capacity

               18’ (5.5m) -   21’   8’6”   9.5", TR30", TR36",   2,132-  48bu.
         2025A                    185+
                20’ (6.1m)  (6.4m)  (2.6m)  TR38", TR36"-15  3,538kg  (1,691 litre)
               23’9” (7.2m)   25’2”   9’5”   9.5", TR30", TR36",   3,357-  60bu.
         2525A  - 26’6” (8m)  (7.7m)  (2.9m)  235+  TR38", TR40", TR38"-15  5,216kg  (2,114kg)
       See for complete specifications.
                                                  2025A & 2525A

                                                                           The 25 Series row unit utilizes ductile cast parallel arms
                                                                           for long-term row unit stability. 15", 4mm blades turning
                                                                          on 205 triple-lip sealed bearings ensure long life and
                                                                         accurate seed depth. Blades are offset ½" to slice residue
                                                                        and form a perfect seed trench.

       ADDITIONAL STANDARD FEATURES                              AIR-PRO  METER             CHOOSE A PRESS WHEEL
       •  Advanced air delivery system                          This simple, positive air pressure   Choose (from left) cast for sticky
                                                                meter offers the highest level of
       •  11L x 15 bedded single gauge wheels (dual gauge wheel option)  singulation on the market today, and   Delta soils; wedge to pinch the seed
                                                                                            trench together while providing a
       •  Tapered-roller gauge wheel bearings                 achieves uniform spacing by “dead-  wide footprint; 1"x12" double-V
       •  Protected gauge wheel drive chain                   dropping” seed into the patented Clear-  for all-around performance; or
                                                             Shot  seed tube. Gentle on seeds, it is
       •  Lift-assist cylinder on box lid                    more efficient than a vacuum meter and   spider wheels with drag chains that
                                                                                            aggressively close the seed trench.
       •  Seed level indicator                              requires less maintenance.
       •  Category 3, 3N, and 4N hitch

       •  17½”-wide walkboards
       •  Fold-up ladder bundle
       •  Acremeter
       •  Meter cleanout and shutoff
       •  Disc blade separator                        SEED CAPACITY          AVAILABLE ROW SPACINGS  TUNED MANIFOLD AIR SYSTEM
                                                    The 2.4 bu./ft. seed box combines the  Multiple row spacings are
       •  Seed tube sensors                         large capacity of a grain drill with the  available to match a variety of   Each Yield-Pro  air manifold
                                                                                                   contains orifices to deliver the
       •  LED safety lighting                      accuracy of the 25 Series planter row   needs, including 9.5" single- or  same volume of air to every
                          *only available by ordering through Parts  unit. A V-bottom design ensures that all  30", 36", 38", and 40" twin-row  row. This ensures consistent
        OPTIONS                                   the seed in the seed box will empty.  configurations.  seed rates throughout.
        (see website for complete list of features & options)

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