Page 19 - FINAL
P. 19


                  Andreas  Kalcker is a  German biophysicist with residence in Switzerland
                  who has  been researching for more than  13 years  chlorine dioxide  for
                  therapeutic use as  a antiseptic alternative oxygen carrier in the blood
                  plasma,  with 3 international patents on the subject for hypoxia,
                  inflammation, infection and sepsis. Recently he was proving a nearly 100%
                  effectiveness in treatment of Coronavirus in only 4 days without negative
                  side effects. His  main working  field is the  programming of frequency
                  devices with focus on coherent field effects o f cold plasma and electron

                  transfer for cell communication in the human body.

                  QUICK RESEARCH LIKS

                  At the time off creating this video-book the links below are working

                  perfectly however we cannot control whether the links are taken down in
                  future, as Google are renowned for.

                  1) Actress  Lindsey Wagner  promotes MMS / CL02  O during a TV  interview
                  Treating a chronic illness; within a week she was of all meds, the reporter states during
                  the interview that MMs or CL02 is a bleach, she abruptly points out “so too is Vodka”
                  saying she accidently spilt some on the kitchen floor during a visit to her mothers house.
                  When the vodka was wiped up it removed the pattern from the linoleum floor covering.


                  2) Used To Dis-infect Intravenous Blood Supplies


                  3) Ww1 cl02 was used to dis-infect Gangrene - Alexis Carrel (1873–1944;
                  Nobel laureate 1912); best known for his prolonged culture of chicken heart cells at
                  Rockefeller University; New York. Carrel successfully administered a crude solution
                  topically to war casualties having embedded shell fragments [6]. The anaerobic
                  organisms responsible for gas gangrene in these wounds were quickly quenched; saving many
                  soldiers that would have otherwise perished


                  4) COVID 19 - documentation - government trials –
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