Page 20 - FINAL
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Dis-ease is a lack of energy. Getting energy is quite easy just by eating…
and exercising, of course. The problem is that a sick person doesn’t
usually have the energy needed to run a marathon or enough oxygen for
the correct functioning of all the processes required by the body’s
immune system.
On the other hand, germs or viruses can multiply much faster than our
immune system can absorb them through a process known as
phagocytosis. In fact, there is a race against the clock going on inside our
bodies when we have any kind of infection, whether is due to viruses or
germs. The question we have to ask ourselves at this point is:
How can we recover the energy levels we are lacking?
First, we need to look for the genuine cause, because symptomatic
medicine is worthless, serving only the moneymaking schemes of big
pharmaceutical corporations. It’s obvious that these huge companies have
zero interest in developing drugs that heal and are invested in keeping
their client base. Let’s not forget that a healthy patient stops being a drug
What’s more, we have observed how an awful amount of useful drugs
have been withdrawn in the past 40 years, to be replaced by “more
modern” drugs that, instead of healing, merely cover up the
symptoms keeping the patient sick for as long as possible.
The worst kinds of drugs are the so-called “pills for life”, which are no
more than a big scale deception, where everyone involved wins. Since the
patient usually trusts conventional medicine, he is the victim of this legal
hoax. If we want to increase our energy, we must avoid all kinds of
toxins, whether they are the classical ones: smoking, alcohol and drugs
(regardless of being legal or illegal, most drugs are toxic) and
inappropriate industrial food, manufactured with harmful substances.
First, we need to look for the genuine cause, because symptomatic
medicine is worthless, serving only the moneymaking schemes of big
pharmaceutical corporations. It’s obvious that these companies have zero
interest in developing drugs that heal and are invested in keeping their
client base. Let’s not forget that a healthy patient stops being a drug
consumer. What’s more, we have observed how an awful amount of
useful drugs have been withdrawn in the past 40 years, to be replaced by
“more modern” drugs that, instead of healing, merely cover up the