Page 25 - FINAL
P. 25

water for the next 7 days, and finally, up to 24 drops, added to a 1 to 1,5
                   L bottle of water for the next 7 days.

                   The daily dose must be taken throughout the day, divided in 8-12 parts.

                   The bottle can be marked with divisions to ease the dosage. It is advisable
                   to activate the daily dose every morning and add it to a 1 to 1,5 L bottle
                   of water to drink a little bit each hour, for the rest of the treatment. The
                   standard length of treatment is three weeks or whatever is necessary until
                   one feels recovered.

                   In case of nausea, we should resume the former dose.

                       •  6 drops for 3 days in a 1 to 1,5 L water bottle.
                       •  12 drops for 4 days in a 1 to 1,5 L water bottle.
                       •  18 drops for 7 days in a 1 to 1,5 L water bottle.
                       •  24 drops for 7 days in a 1 to 1,5 L water bottle.

                   The   sicker   someone   is,    the    slower    we    increase    the    dose.
                   In the case of someone seriously ill, treatment should start with no more
                   than   6   drops   per day    and    increase    the    dose    progressively.
                   The advantage of preparing it in a bottle is that it’s easier to carry and to

                   We can mark the doses with accuracy making lines with a marker on the
                   bottle, to divide them properly throughout the day.

                   Daily dose every morning and add it to a 1 to 1,5 L bottle of water to
                   drink a little bit  each hour,  for the rest  of the treatment. The standard
                   length of treatment is three weeks or whatever is necessary until one feels
                   recovered. In case of nausea, we should resume the former dose.

                       •  6 drops for 3 days in a 1 to 1,5 L water bottle.
                       •  12 drops for 4 days in a 1 to 1,5 L water bottle.
                       •  18 drops for 7 days in a 1 to 1,5 L water bottle.
                       •  24 drops for 7 days in a 1 to 1,5 L water bottle.

                   The   sicker   someone   is,    the    slower    we    increase    the    dose.
                   In the case of someone seriously ill, treatment should start with no more
                   than 6 drops per day and increase the dose progressively.

                   The advantage of preparing it in a bottle is that it’s easier to carry and to

                   drink. We can mark the doses with accuracy making lines with a marker
                   on the bottle, to divide them properly throughout the day.
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