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REM, with its origins dating back to plan and create ergonomic
now for over 100 years are one of environments producing 2D scaled KEY: As a company we IF YOU CARE FOR YOURENVIRONMENT
the few remaining manufacturers plans and stunning photo-like A selection of Express strive to ensure that our FURNITURE HAS TRAVELLED?
into the Salon, Spa and Barber visuals for customers like you in 10 -14 products delivered to your business is run in the
industries. Their manufacturing plant, need of a little specialist help in the door in 10 to 14 days greenest way possible. Let’s take 2 REM products that help
located in the Heart of the Pennines creation of their business. available keep the environment relatively free
in Nelson, Lancashire boasts State from Carbon Emissions.
of the Art CNC Technology and a This brochure will give an insight Products with a 2 week Compliance with regulations and
working staff of around 80 people. into the world of REM and what delivery cycle all environmental policies is the Law, Centenary Pedispa – around 85% of the
but it is also our practise to promote
The factory also houses the largest they have to offer you and your environmental awareness amongst components used in the manufacture
REM Showroom in the World where business. It will guide you through our employees and encourage of this unit originate in the UK with the
remainder from the EU.
customers can visit by appointment. the process offering inspirational Products with a 4 week them to work in a manner focussed
Their exclusive designs and imagery, explaining the buying delivery cycle on reducing our impact on the • Timberwork – from Leeds
meticulous British workmanship offer process and the features and environment. • Fire retardant foam – from Bacup
customers all manner of furniture options of each and every product • Leather Cloth - from Warwick
and fittings from Reception Desks including colour swatch selection Products with a REM 1 The methods of manufacturing we • Ceramic basin – from EU
to Wash Units and Salon Chairs and technical data. year warranty employ, ensure a healthy and safe • Tap & Hose – from Nelson
and Spa Couches - their range is workplace for our employees, and • Basin Waste & Plumbing – from
extensive... Should you require further where possible the componentry Nelson
we use is locally or UK sourced.
assistance, the REM Website Products with the exclusive • Swivel Seat Plate – from EU
• Fixings and misc – from Manchester
All REM furniture is available to ( will further REM 3 year warranty This all goes towards improving
order in an array of 42 fabric and explain the REM product range our Carbon Footprint keeping our Centenary Styling Chair – again
laminate finishes offering finesse and it's many features offering emissions low and protecting the around 85% of components used on the
and contemporary styling for your news, advice and enquiry A selection of new environment. Our fleet of delivery Centenary Chair haven’t travelled far.
business needs. opportunities along with the new products for 2021 vehicles are carefully managed
REM Configurator which allows to ensure that mileage is kept to a • Timberwork – from Leeds
REM's creative in-house Design Team you to see your chosen products in minimum each week by efficient • Fire retardant foam – from Bacup
can also help you get the best out any and all colours from the REM Updated design to an route planning throughout the UK • Leather Cloth - from Warwick
• Hydraulic Pump – EU
of your workspace. Investment into Swatch of 42 different fabrics and existing product • Alloy Base - Birmingham To learn more about our Environmental
the latest Cad and Visualisation laminates - give it a try, you won't • Seat Plate – from EU Policy visit our website on
packages enables the Designers be disappointed... • Fixings and misc – from Manchester
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